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Topping L30 Headphone Amplifier Review

My stack that i ordered from amazon arrived this morning with an EU power supply and an adaptor,
the adaptor included adaptor fits very loose but i did have a better one on hand already.

Is there any Australian version of the l30's power supply?
Mine arrived with Australian PSU overnight from Addicted to Audio in Victoria, really happy (except now want LCD GX to go withヽ( •_)ᕗ)
Just tried the L30 + E30 stack with my pair of HiFiMan HE6se cans, gotta set it to +9dB and get the knob to around 2 or 3 o'clock for good volume, but it is making them sound really nice.
I can max out the volume, no distortion at all, but it's not something I'd want for more than a minute to test out.
Amazing little amp, bravo Topping!
I know that supplies of the L30 might be running short and so the quoted dates might end up being accurate. However I ordered a D10s from Shenzhen through Amazon with similarly long expected delivery dates and it arrived in the UK within 5 days.

Did (do) you have to pay customs fees on top and how much was it? The L30 from audiophonics is approx £140 shipped to UK but no fees on top
Did (do) you have to pay customs fees on top and how much was it? The L30 from audiophonics is approx £140 shipped to UK but no fees on top
I didn't with the D10s, but I've had to pay import VAT at other times. Audiophonics is a good option because you know what your paying. The problem with import VAT, or duty, is that you can also be charged an "administration fee". Bumps the price up.
Just tried the L30 + E30 stack with my pair of HiFiMan HE6se cans, gotta set it to +9dB and get the knob to around 2 or 3 o'clock for good volume, but it is making them sound really nice.
I can max out the volume, no distortion at all, but it's not something I'd want for more than a minute to test out.
Amazing little amp, bravo Topping!
You just made my day. Every amplifier that can drive HiFiMan HE6se deserves respect. I don't have any power hungry headphones but it's impressive. I ordered mine today. I really wanted the silver version but I don't want to wait for it 11 days so I ordered the black one from Amazon.
I contacted the seller from amazon and they didn't seem to even understand what the problem is regarding the L30 power supply.

Should i try and contact Addicted to Audio and see if they can help? :(
I contacted the seller from amazon and they didn't seem to even understand what the problem is regarding the L30 power supply.

Should i try and contact Addicted to Audio and see if they can help? :(
I just purchased mine through ebay and the seller understood exactly what I asked about. Though he did say they "have to send the amplifier to the manufacturer to check that everything is fine since it is a new device"....
Can confirm, L30 has no power-up or power-down pop, crackle, or fizz.
That's nice! Even my THX 789 has some popping sound when turning on and off. Anyone looking to buy Drop THX 789? XD
@JohnYang1997 you really hit the nail on the head on some of your products. I've serviced a bazzilion products over the years and sold au' plenty over the 9 years of sales too and you seem to be hitting them out of the park for such a young fellow. :D Great work. :D
Order placed at audioholics.fr

If i dont like it i hope someone here to buy it from me...haha
I didn't with the D10s, but I've had to pay import VAT at other times. Audiophonics is a good option because you know what your paying. The problem with import VAT, or duty, is that you can also be charged an "administration fee". Bumps the price up.
Just double checked and I've only been charged import VAT when ordering directly from outside the EU (JDS Atom direct from JDS themselves).

According to Amazon Participation Agreement, which I think might have been renamed the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, the seller is responsible for import VAT/duties.

This only works if you're ordering from your "home" Amazon website, e.g. Amazon UK for UK delivery.

There is some feedback that people have been charged, but a dispute can be raised with Amazon themselves.
I received my L30 in silver and paired with the Topping E30 DAC and HE-400i headphone. The sound is clean, powerful, and I hear no signs of distortion. Sound is very similar if not identical to the Schiit Heresy I used for comparison.

A few differences:
Better gain control on the Topping L30 due to 3 settings instead of 2 on the Heresy.
The front panel labeling is too dim with the sticker removed on the L30.
No humming or buzzing when swapping the RCA in and out and the volume up ( no music playing ).
The Heresy would buzz loudly during this test.
The Heresy runs noticeably cooler, but the L30 is only warm to the touch after 2 hours on 0dB gain.

The Topping L30 is a great little amp that stacks well with the E30 in corresponding color. I would wait a few weeks for more reviews and issues to crop up before ordering. If you have a Heresy I see no need to upgrade.
For anyone wondering. This photo, although not great and a little off in color (the display is a pleasing dark orange), is about representative of how legible the screen print on at least the E30 is in low light. Not very.
Though to be fair, that's not an issue in reality, since the controls on both E30 and L30 are really simple, you couldn't really use them wrong if you tried.
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For anyone wondering. This photo, although not great and a little off in color (the display is a pleasing dark orange), is about representative of how legible the screen print on at least the E30 is in low light. Not very.
Though to be fair, that's not an issue in reality, since the controls on both E30 and L30 are really simple, you couldn't really use them wrong if you tried.
It seems very legible in this photo. Is it possible to turn the light completely off while the device is on?
I don't mean the display, I mean the print behind the glass (print on the plastic housing of the Atom for comparison). Keep in mind, the camera is very close, from 60-80cm away I can't really make it out (and I have fairly decent eyesight). In bright daylight, it is legible.
There is no way to completely shut the display off, it is dimmable in three stages however. I leave it on the lowest setting, it looks better than in the photo.
Just received my L30 from shenzhen audio with the correct EU power supply. Using my DX3 Pro V1 as a DAC. Works like a charm. The volume pot is buttery smooth, no play at all, unlike some people complained over at hifiguides. Thanks John for the great head amp. Listening right now to some Terje Rypdal tracks. Sounds awesome as expected.
I'm quite keen on the L30 to pair with my E30. Though have not listened to my cans as much having got the JBL 305p mkii recently. Is there any benefit to using the L30 as a preamp for my speakers vs using the E30 in preamp mode? And judging by the feedback so far the L30 shouldn't have an issue driving 300ohm cans like the Senn HD600 and Beyer DT1990 yes?
I'm quite keen on the L30 to pair with my E30. Though have not listened to my cans as much having got the JBL 305p mkii recently. Is there any benefit to using the L30 as a preamp for my speakers vs using the E30 in preamp mode? And judging by the feedback so far the L30 shouldn't have an issue driving 300ohm cans like the Senn HD600 and Beyer DT1990 yes?
No issue of course.
Benefit would be a bit better SNR when playing relatively low volume. But inherent noise of 305p is rather high so I doubt there would be real benefits. But you can switch between headphones and speakers quite conveniently with L30.
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