I ordered a DO-100 last night, mostly because I'm so happy with my new C-200....and also because of this thread.
Originally I planned on swapping all of my existing DACs down one "grade" of system, but I'm in fact unhappy enough with my Modi 2 Uber to banish it to 3rd or 4th rate duty. Going down the scale, I have a ARCAM compact DAC that's pretty old, I'll look up some info on it, and listen again before deciding where it should go. Also an orig Wolfsen FiiO D3 that has many many hours on it with AV duty, I have no complaints there, it's transparent to my ear. Also grabbed a $15 brown box DAC while I was putting the old system back together at the vacation spot, because the Blutooth device I bought failed....I would normally have no use for something like that, but it worked. I hope it gets used someplace.
The best thing ever has been putting a volume knob on DACs, letting them preform the preamp function. My last preamp was Asgard 2, a headphone amp that drives theVidar pretty well. Also I've been using mini mixers, like the Mackie 5ch, just to get by on my secondary systems. Previously had NAD 1300 pre with the parametrics, it was sweet and I should have NEVER got rid of it. Traded it on Parasound Pre mini thing, I hated it. Also DNL the Para 2125 NC amp. I still prefer my old ADCOM 545-II when I use it.
I don't swap and compare systems and components much. Once I have a functional system , I just use it and make very occasional upgrades as I go. The point being that all my experience, and all of these systems, really don't resolve like a pair of headphones would, nor is there a consistency to "reference" with loudspeakers. So, imo unless you are doing headphones or studio nearfield or STOA, there's not a lot to be
gained betweens DACs of the same class or age, pardon the pun. In the spirit of ASR I will try my different units on different systems, and would welcome any
input (damn, another pun)
But forsure the new gen of DAC/Pre/Head far exceeds the old gens by a significant margin that is easily demonstrated on loudspeakers, my main system w/Q-350s. I would just recycle my old Modi 2U if I wasn't sure that this DO-100 will put it to shame on my modest NAK Receiver 2 Stasis / KEF Q-150 living room system. Sure it has a few convenience features, but I seriously expect a SQ improvement. I'll include everything in my full report.