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Sennheiser IE200


Major Contributor
Forum Donor
Mar 29, 2021
Anyone has IE200 delivered yet? Any opinons?
IE 200 FR.png
It has 4 different sounds by changing positions or type of the eartips
It still has typical Sennheiser 4-6khz suppression but actually not bad.
Slot 1 has EXCELLENT midrange accuracy with proper sub bass, no bass that leak to the mids.
Slot 2 has dead flat bass but with bright and clear mid-high performance
The BIGGEST problem of IE200 is not the resonance peak between 6-8khz (It's acceptable), but the peak between 13-15khz (a bit annoying at Slot 1, suppressed yet not faded at Slot 2).
Overall the sound of Slot 1 is mild(Somewhat boring), Slot 2 is clear and bright but not shouty.
Thank you [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)][B]ArthuRScarlet[/B][/COLOR].

Slot 1 is when the ear tip is in the lower position so the nozzle sits deeper in the ear canal and slot 2 is the shallow version correct? Does it mean that we can play around with the insertion depth and create our own custom tuning :)

I don't think I hear beyond 13K very well even at +6db I think so I am not super worried about the higher peak :) From the graph and what you are describing, tonality sounds ok. Any opinions about other qualities
other than tonality?
Thank you [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)][B]ArthuRScarlet[/B][/COLOR].

Slot 1 is when the ear tip is in the lower position so the nozzle sits deeper in the ear canal and slot 2 is the shallow version correct? Does it mean that we can play around with the insertion depth and create our own custom tuning :)

I don't think I hear beyond 13K very well even at +6db I think so I am not super worried about the higher peak :) From the graph and what you are describing, tonality sounds ok. Any opinions about other qualities
other than tonality?
Correct. But it has only 2 slots so u cannot adjust it individually, unless u switch to other brands' eartips. As for qualities, be careful with the MMCX.
There were quite conflicting reviews on this IEM. Gizaudio seems to have an explanation as to why.
Frequency response when the hole is closed tightly by dunu tip. Compare also to IE600. I should have IE200 in few days.



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Frequency response when the hole is closed tightly by dunu tip. Compare also to IE600. I should have IE200 in few days.

View attachment 262615
I have re-tested my IE200 and his video is right, if Spinfit CP100s were used, the bass will follow the response of IE600 (just 1dB less). But im not sure whether its a "Feature" to compensate the -2dB 3khz or just a "Mistake".
I have re-tested my IE200 and his video is right, if Spinfit CP100s were used, the bass will follow the response of IE600 (just 1dB less). But im not sure whether its a "Feature" to compensate the -2dB 3khz or just a "Mistake".
Would you say they are worth the price considering cost of getting new tips & probably a new cable if it's as bad as people are saying? This set is VERY interesting to me because I have had the chance to use other Senny iems and they are the most comfortable I have ever used. However, adding the cost of tips & a cable bring the cost closer to $200.
Would you say they are worth the price considering cost of getting new tips & probably a new cable if it's as bad as people are saying? This set is VERY interesting to me because I have had the chance to use other Senny iems and they are the most comfortable I have ever used. However, adding the cost of tips & a cable bring the cost closer to $200.
I consider it as a mainstream IEM with its unique advantages (apparently different from those chifi competitors) in $150 market. So if u like the sound signiture, it worths $200 or even 300 ( unmatched bass quality with 3rd party eartips, comfort & Egonomics), better than IE300, if u dont, it worths $80, as close as HEXA or Aria for its better "resolution & clarity" and Bass, but with annoying, much sharper highs.
If it means anything, I have the IE400 pro (same family).
They sound pretty good, but very bass heavy! I dial in a -9dB bass cut.
Quality of bass is good too.
I also have the Truthear zero crinacle. I got them after the review. To me, they are nothing compared to the Sennheisers.
I consider it as a mainstream IEM with its unique advantages (apparently different from those chifi competitors) in $150 market. So if u like the sound signiture, it worths $200 or even 300 ( unmatched bass quality with 3rd party eartips, comfort & Egonomics), better than IE300, if u dont, it worths $80, as close as HEXA or Aria for its better "resolution & clarity" and Bass, but with annoying, much sharper highs.
It’s currently at $120USD, is it worth it over chi-fi competitors at the same prices?
Been looking at these, but some reviews have turned me away from them a bit.
Apparently the cable is extra microphonic, kinda garbage and uses a proprietary connection so your only other "supported" option is $99.
There's been reports of channel imbalance due to the bassport not being closed properly by stock tips as well.

There are major props for its comfort and its tuning, but tbh the market is so competitive right now that Sennheiser needs to be upping their game in regards to cables and drop the gimmicks that hurt functionality. Not gonna blow $200 AUD so I can spend $100 more on cables and tips.
Using a proprietary cable connector sucks too. It's just aggressively anti-consumer and I don't want to support it.
Been looking at these, but some reviews have turned me away from them a bit.
Apparently the cable is extra microphonic, kinda garbage and uses a proprietary connection so your only other "supported" option is $99.
There's been reports of channel imbalance due to the bassport not being closed properly by stock tips as well.

There are major props for its comfort and its tuning, but tbh the market is so competitive right now that Sennheiser needs to be upping their game in regards to cables and drop the gimmicks that hurt functionality. Not gonna blow $200 AUD so I can spend $100 more on cables and tips.
Using a proprietary cable connector sucks too. It's just aggressively anti-consumer and I don't want to support it.
They're $167AUD currently, probs under $150 by black Friday, I also I got my cables for $20 - they're so much better than the OGs
but tbh the market is so competitive right now that Sennheiser needs to be upping their game
I sincerely wish many brands upped their IEM game, also in terms of tuning. The likes of Moondrop and Truthear have disrupted the market and it should have sent ripples but, the rest of the world seems to be moving rather incrementally in responce. I'm struggling not to be a fanboy of Chinese brands right now.
Competition’s good for sure. It shouldn’t be underrated how predatory the consumer/manufacturer relationship becomes when megabrands dominate the landscape and can sell minimal refreshes for years on name alone.

I like Senny as much as anyone but their IEM offerings have been markedly poor, inconsistent and pricey for some time. The IE series is obviously a response (at least in FR) to the current chi-fi dominated market. They’re being forced to innovate, and including a cheap garbage cable isn’t enough these days. My patience for cutting corners is at an all-time low and I won’t put up with that. I think there are plenty people finding themselves in the same situation.

Chifi comes with its own tradeoffs (namely dependability, I’ve heard of a lot of Truthear drivers failing) but they’ve given the audio topdogs a swift kick up the butt they’ve needed for a while.
I sincerely wish many brands upped their IEM game, also in terms of tuning. The likes of Moondrop and Truthear have disrupted the market and it should have sent ripples but, the rest of the world seems to be moving rather incrementally in responce. I'm struggling not to be a fanboy of Chinese brands right now.
What should they do? Make headphones that adhere to Harman? When there already are those to be had for lunch money?

Maybe they could put one of those out just to make a point, but businesswise I think they are better off having their own sound, even if it's "wrong".
Maybe they could put one of those out just to make a point, but businesswise I think they are better off having their own sound, even if it's "wrong".
They could change it and it would be be their new "house sound", In fact the current lien-up is a tuning departure from the previous line up.
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