A10H has +9db in H2 gain, so 3X voltage gain.Hello!
How much is the maximum power of the Sabaj at 32ohms? According to @amirm it is just 1.1W at 33ohm.
But according to L7audiolab it is 2W at 32ohm.
Amir measures are taken with fixed 2V input (you can se in this graph that the amp outputs 2Vx3=6V at any load without clipping).
Seemes to me that L7audiolab measures are taken at max input voltage permitted till clipping, probably around 3V, since he get about 9V at any load except 16 ohm, showing the max power permitted untill clipping occurs.
Since you normally feed 2V at inputs with a standard single ended source, I think you can take Amir data as a reference.