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Review and Measurements of Totaldac d1-six DAC

Curious if you used HQplayer's filters and dither feeding the dac 705/768khz x16 rates if you would eliminate all the issues? I bet you would get better performance?

It maxes out at 4x.
Paraphrasing Voltaire : If ASR didn’t exist it should be invented. Not too many times in the history of the hobby have we had a website that can teach us so much and help us get the best and most accurate reproduction for reasonable to meager cash outlays.
Thanks Amir! “We needed that!”

P. A. Not too long ago, I did seriously consider a variant of this abomination. :facepalm:
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Curious if you used HQplayer's filters and dither feeding the dac 705/768khz x16 rates if you would eliminate all the issues? I bet you would get better performance? But would that be worth 13k I think not? You could get phasure NOS dac which is well than less than half the price of totaldac and get his xxhighend software and custom pc. I have not heard this either but along the same in comparison I would imagine?
I don't have HQ Player but could try upsampling in Roon....
I feel bad for the owner who sent it to you.
The owner is in surprisingly good spirits! Come to think of it, every owner who has gotten poor reviews has taken it in stride.
I looked at totaldac because it gets reviewed listening only and gets praise. But when I looked at the site its very wonky and no spec's graphs that give you idea of its performance. Which considering its a NOS dac I get that but he would be like PeterST xxhighend who makes NOS dac and makes software for it upsample x16 rates so you can get top notch performance. I been looking for a new DAC for a while but very hesitant considering I currently use the benchmark DAC2 HGC with latest firmware I have had the DAC since 2012. It still sounds great and has the spec's to prove it.
x4 is not going to cut it then...you would need to get to x8 rates to get some better specs.

The higher the better, but x4 is enough if the rest of the design is up to snuff. Here most likely there are other underlying issues that no amount of oversampling can fix.
I don't have HQ Player but could try upsampling in Roon....
Not the same upsampling as HQP and it depends if you send PCM or dsd, and dither and filters and source content played
I don't have HQ Player but could try upsampling in Roon....

If you have the desire and a spare PC... HQ Player Embedded is free for 30 minutes at a time and comes in a form of a bootable flash drive image and the embedded version supports input devices, so you could feed it from the AP's digital output which would provide an opportunity for some interesting tests of DACs like this and in general.
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This DAC is for those who want a NOS design; can one be found for way less $$$$ absolutely! This type of DAC will never spec like a chip based SDM period. NOS are meant to be paired with a CPU/software that can do the job better than a DAC chip based design. This is all preference and debatable or course.
It is really sad how many people are fooled in the audio world. I have been to this years biggest audio show in Munich, the "High-End". Atleast 50% of the shown stuff were special cables and other questionable stuff. The people there actually loved it :D
View attachment 30072

I mean that cable does look damn good.
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