Truthfully, no. I'm not sure if it is a V1, 1.5 or 2. It only has one sticker. I can adjust the filtering and certain filters are discernibly different from each other (2 and 5, for example) but the differences are liminal - this doesnt account for what I'm hearing on my unit. Maybe I got a refurb without being told it was such?
Thanks for the response. Perhaps you or someone else could shed some more light on v1.5 and how to identify it and what the differences may be.
v1.5 has some things from v1 and some things from v2. (hard to say without opening) I doubt there are made many and I suppose they just wanted to test if people still had the same issues as with V1. They also tested out various new remotes.
A V2 has 2 stickers "Hi-Res Audio" and "Hi-Res Audio Wireless", the serialnumber also starts from 1905xxx and I think they still use the old remote with the coin cell. (at least my V2 has)