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Review and Measurements of Topping DX3Pro DAC and Headphone Amp

Hello again.
After all, ... I decided ... I ordered topping dx3 pro V2 ...
I hope I don't have the problems listed in the forum with it,
I hope I like the sound.
I hope not to be wrong ...
I hope I have that sound .........
Only the dac part will be used.
I have great emotions ... but that's it.

Recently I hear very audible distortion intermittently from my DX3 Pro. There's no distortion if I only change the DAC so I have concluded DX3 Pro is causing the problem. The distortion appears to be random because if I play the same track multiple times in a row there will be no distortion for several repeats and when it occurs it's at a different time point. I contacted Topping and this is what they said:
"Because the communicates between XMOS of our products and the host computer almost to the limit of USB2.0 High speed, it requires a very standard and stable connection.

Many USB cables, USB extension cables, HIFI USB filters, USB HUBs are not standardized enough. This will seriously affect the transmission of data, resulting in loss, delay, etc. Why not front USB, because front USB will connect to mother board via a inside cable, same reason, we could not sure this cable is standardized or not.

The various situations I mentioned above may lead to some strange and unclear problems. We have provided the same advice to users who have met such problems, and most of them have been resolved."

I am using their USB cable and my Dell XPS 13 laptop.
I was told that I could ship it back to China for repair but the shipping cost nearly $200! /facepalm.

Interested in your thoughts, Amir.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Recently I hear very audible distortion intermittently from my DX3 Pro. There's no distortion if I only change the DAC so I have concluded DX3 Pro is causing the problem. The distortion appears to be random because if I play the same track multiple times in a row there will be no distortion for several repeats and when it occurs it's at a different time point. I contacted Topping and this is what they said:
"Because the communicates between XMOS of our products and the host computer almost to the limit of USB2.0 High speed, it requires a very standard and stable connection.

Many USB cables, USB extension cables, HIFI USB filters, USB HUBs are not standardized enough. This will seriously affect the transmission of data, resulting in loss, delay, etc. Why not front USB, because front USB will connect to mother board via a inside cable, same reason, we could not sure this cable is standardized or not.

The various situations I mentioned above may lead to some strange and unclear problems. We have provided the same advice to users who have met such problems, and most of them have been resolved."

I am using their USB cable and my Dell XPS 13 laptop.
I was told that I could ship it back to China for repair but the shipping cost nearly $200! /facepalm.

Interested in your thoughts, Amir.

Thanks in advance for your time.

What do i understand from here? that all the topings dac have such problems, distortions, or it is an isolated case??????
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No. I only own one topping DAC and it's acting up. YOu can't conclude that ALL topping DAC are bad...
If topping DAC is that sensitive to USB cables I would have expected more similar complaints. BTW I am using the cable they provided me.
further, I would also expect similar problems from other brands.
No. I only own one topping DAC and it's acting up. YOu can't conclude that ALL topping DAC are bad...
If topping DAC is that sensitive to USB cables I would have expected more similar complaints. BTW I am using the cable they provided me.
further, I would also expect similar problems from other brands.

I apologize; my English is to blame.
I wanted to say that all dacs topping dx3 pro have this problem ???
What did you do with dacs d3x pro in the end?
Is it the V2 variant?
After how long have the distortions started to be used?
The headphone amp has output impedance of 10ohms, which may or may not contribute to your problem. Not to mention that other headphone amp measurements have also decreased in performance due to change in design. If we are to fully understand the drop in performance, I guess Amir needs to work on a V2 review

You should take a more systematic approach to testing first before pointing fault at the DAC first.

And as someone above mentioned, you have 2 preamps so how can you even confidently say it's DX3pro DAC's problem?
Unplug your headphones and try going into DAC mode, so you are only using 1 preamp, then see if you still hear the same issues on your speakers, or if it has improved.

I lined direct into an old Denon amp I have running NHT Super Ones and ran the DX3 Pro direct. The same issues were present: cold, edgy highs and recessed low-mids - issues were bad enough that it messes with the sense of soundstage. Previously, I had run the DX3 Pro direct into a heavily modded NAIM NAP 110 power amp and Kef LS50s - this system generally runs off an Oppo UDP 205 and sounds fabulous. The sound issues with DX3 Pro were the same. Later this evening I will be going to line it out to a Museatex CI-50 going into Morel Octwins. I dont foresee there being an revelations here but I will report back once it is done.
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Recently I hear very audible distortion intermittently from my DX3 Pro. There's no distortion if I only change the DAC so I have concluded DX3 Pro is causing the problem. The distortion appears to be random because if I play the same track multiple times in a row there will be no distortion for several repeats and when it occurs it's at a different time point. I contacted Topping and this is what they said:
"Because the communicates between XMOS of our products and the host computer almost to the limit of USB2.0 High speed, it requires a very standard and stable connection.

Many USB cables, USB extension cables, HIFI USB filters, USB HUBs are not standardized enough. This will seriously affect the transmission of data, resulting in loss, delay, etc. Why not front USB, because front USB will connect to mother board via a inside cable, same reason, we could not sure this cable is standardized or not.

The various situations I mentioned above may lead to some strange and unclear problems. We have provided the same advice to users who have met such problems, and most of them have been resolved."

I am using their USB cable and my Dell XPS 13 laptop.
I was told that I could ship it back to China for repair but the shipping cost nearly $200! /facepalm.

Interested in your thoughts, Amir.

Thanks in advance for your time.
I think the explanation of Topping is correct.
The power saving setting may be a problem for laptop computers.
I think the explanation of Topping is correct.
The power saving setting may be a problem for laptop computers.

You think it has something to do with the fact that: power is not via USB, but has separate power supply.
I have never seen this defect reported on the dx3 pro in the forum.
or am I wrong?
I think the explanation of Topping is correct.
The power saving setting may be a problem for laptop computers.

but why now after working fine for first several months. my laptop is plugged in when i play music and i do not let it go to sleep. i put it to hibernate manually when i am done listening.
Topping is saying that some USB cables are not adequate for their DAC or maybe other DACs as well. would it not be helpful if they made that explicit in their user manual?!
I overlayed the V1 and V2 Line Out THD+N Ratio graphs that @heyagod provided, seems like there is a decrease in V2's Line Out performance from 1kHz onwards?

As another member has mentioned, it seems unlikely that the discrepancy in the two charts between V1 and V2 would account for the dramatic issues I'm hearing. Thank you, however, for your considerate response.

As a previous owner of a DX3, I will say there are devices that output more power in the headphones output, which can alter the amount of bass you hear on some headphones.

However, the device sounds great in every way, and only individual use cases differ based on end headphones. @JD Wolfe , you got way too many things in your audio chain.

So just to recap an earlier response, I have previously tested this dac running direct into a NAIM NAP 110 that had been modded heavily by Avondale Audio, which was connected to a pair of Kef LS50s. This system is usually running off a Oppo UDP-205, and it sounds excellent (fast, balanced, nicely staged with weighty bass and fine detail). On the DX3 Pro, the stage became almost incoherent, the low-mids were recessed and the highs were very abrasive. What I've found with this DAC is, you can get an adequate high-bass/low-mid experience if you crank it, but the consequence of that are highs that sound not unlike crystal shattering (constantly) and bowel loosening sub-bass. When I say "adequate" low-mids, I mean 'passable,' but far from enjoyable. Conversely, if you drop the volume to cope with the highs, the low-mids/high-bass drops out almost completely. At a reduced volume the mid-bass remains passable and there is a satisfactory amount of sub-bass. I don't run a sub-woofer so i find the experience with my DX3 Pro tends to make my decent home stereo system sound like a high end AM radio.

Today I tested the DX3 running direct to a Museatex (Meitner) CI-50 into Morel Octwins. The response was precisely the same. I primarily listen through loudspeakers and only use the headphones at night. The issues with impedance imbalances I don't dispute, but that is not my primary concern, nor does it entail the similarity of issues presentation between the headphone amp and the line out.

So, to bring it all back to my initial question:

Does it sound like I have a bum unit or am I merely describing the DX3 Pro's sound signature? If the former, any thoughts on what the cause and/or solution might be? If the latter, anyone looking for a DX3 Pro?


I'm disappointed to say my DX3 Pro died on me today. I was listening to some music when suddenly I hear a loud pop and no audio thereafter. I notice the unit was then in standby mode and I could not power it back on. I've been using it daily since January which means it had a lifespan of 9 months. I thought mine would last much longer since others reported their units died in just a few weeks or even days. I bought mine as a barely used unit from a member on Head-Fi so I don't know if I qualify for any sort of replacement or warranty. I have plenty of soldering/rework experience so replacing the opamp would be no problem for me but would it be worth it if it the replacement will eventually blow out due to some flaw in the DX3's design. I want a AIO unit that will last a few years at the very least. I don't know if I can trust another Topping product or if this is only an issue that pertains to the DX3. I enjoyed the DX3 very much in the time that it was working.
I definitely will not buy another Topping or any product where I have to ship it to Gina for repair; costs nearly $200 to ship!

I've had a DX3 Pro (I believe it's a v2; has the new remote) since July. I picked up the DX3 Pro based on Amir's review (which I later learned, was on an earlier version than mine). I've run about 500hrs on it.

Signal Chain: JRiver (Mac Dual Boot with Windows) > USB to DX3 Pro > Museatex AVC Preamp > Meitner Power Amp > NHT Super Ones

This DAC drives me nuts.

Quite revealing (of certain frequencies) but dry and harsh on the top end with thin low-mids. No boogie in the bass. Anyone familiar with the monstrously huge bass on Steely Dan's "Morph the Cat" knows how it should effectively crush the listener with Freddie Washington's bass line (on the DX3 Pro it's taps you on the shoulder). When I listen to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" the bass is so anemic it's depressing. I can only stand to listen to the DX3 Pro at low volume as the sibilance gets irritatingly edgy and anxiously insistent. I have A/B tested the Oppo UDP-205 (dual ES9038PRO) for comparison and can verify that, other than the DX3 Pro, my signal chain - though unexceptional - is just fine.

So based on the above I have a few questions:
What is with the DX3 Pro V2?
Was the V1 that much better?
Based on what I've described does it sound like I have a bum unit?
Is there a fix for my unit?
Does anyone here have a suggestion for a better DAC/Headamp option (i.e., does anyone have experience with the Sabaj D5 or SMSL M500, while being familiar with the sonic characteristics of the DX3 Pro v2 as comparison)?

Curious to hear from anyone who may have insights on any of my questions or have had similar experiences.

Thanks for your time and consideration,


Are you sure you got a v2? Doest it have 2 stickers on the top? I got a V2 and have the old remote.
I do know, Topping made some special ones with slightly other components, but to my knowledge they were only send to people as replacement for their broken V1 , so it's actually a v1.5 (some of them with another remote too)

I got the v2 since July, noticed no issues so far. It does exactly and sounds exactly what I thought it would sound.
ps. If you got the v2 you can adapt the pcm filtering (see manual) I don't hear a difference between the 5 presets but maybe you can?
Yesterday I received topping dx3 pro v2.Observ details that we did not see on the dac ifi micro idsd, in addition the bass is much fuller harder, the spatiality much better has no wheeze, the voices sound warm and the remote has two 1.5v AAA batteries instead of one. It has the two stickers on the lid and the series is 1 9 0 5 594 791. For now everything is perfect I have no reason to complain
Are you sure you got a v2? Doest it have 2 stickers on the top? I got a V2 and have the old remote.
I do know, Topping made some special ones with slightly other components, but to my knowledge they were only send to people as replacement for their broken V1 , so it's actually a v1.5 (some of them with another remote too)

I got the v2 since July, noticed no issues so far. It does exactly and sounds exactly what I thought it would sound.
ps. If you got the v2 you can adapt the pcm filtering (see manual) I don't hear a difference between the 5 presets but maybe you can?

Truthfully, no. I'm not sure if it is a V1, 1.5 or 2. It only has one sticker. I can adjust the filtering and certain filters are discernibly different from each other (2 and 5, for example) but the differences are liminal - this doesnt account for what I'm hearing on my unit. Maybe I got a refurb without being told it was such?

Thanks for the response. Perhaps you or someone else could shed some more light on v1.5 and how to identify it and what the differences may be.
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happy for you. hope doesn't crap out like mine after 6 months.

Did you contact Topping about repairing your DX3 which died after 6 months? Where do you live that it costs $200 to ship to China?
yes. NJ to guangzhou city. rough estimate for three day shipping is about $150 to $185 via fedex; i imagine you can find a better rate. not going to bother sending it back. not worth my time so i am moving on.

my buddy has same speakers as i do, the old NHT model 1 (but different powered subwoofer) and they are connected to outlaw audio RR2160 (has a DAC, up to 24 bit/96kHz, can't decode dsd files). i brought over some music on a flash drive and listened to his setup for a couple of hours. i liked it enough that i ordered it yesterday (outlaw is in MA).
yes. NJ to guangzhou city. rough estimate for three day shipping is about $150 to $185 via fedex; i imagine you can find a better rate. not going to bother sending it back. not worth my time so i am moving on.

USPS would be much cheaper for shipping, around ~$25. I don't think I will send mine to China for repair though. If Topping or someone could tell me exactly what parts have to be replaced then I could easily fix mine and others as well. I have plenty of SMT soldering experience.
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