I advise everyone to build (refurb) a Dynakit. Not because of sound. But because it's fun. And we need more fun and enjoyment in the world.
Yep, who can call themselves a real audiophile that has never owned a Dyna ST 70?
I had one for many years, all original AFAIK except for tubes, that alternated off a display shelf, to powering a system in my workshop just for fun. Also on a couple occasions it stood in for the VTL Compacts driving my La Scala's when I needed to replace a noisy input tube or something, a place where it sounded way over it's niche with the Klipsch's 104 db sensitivity.
I got called back to the glamor of tubes in the modern era mainly due to their esthetic appeal, that glow of the firebottles and their beauty on the audio shrine. LOL But while investigating the market at the time, while looking to replace my Phase Linear 700B I didn't want to give up too much of SS's tech superiority. I ended up going for David Manley's early entry's into the US market with his Ultralinear Only (no IMO market magnet triode switches). It was this John Atkinson bench report, along with the many positive subjective reviews that pushed me over the edge for VTL. The best of both worlds was my take on things, besides the fact that my two monster HSU subwoofers would be SS powered. To their credit I got around 20 years of service from those amps with only a few tube replacements and one repair of a poor wave soldering joint in the feedback circuit of one amp. Only gave up those amps along with the rest of the system in my move to retirement digs..
"On the test bench, you could have been forgiven at first for thinking that this VTL was a solid-state design, the small-signal frequency response (1V into 4 ohms) extending from 2.2Hz to 77kHz (–3dB). Noise levels, too, were impressively low, measuring –90dB, unweighted, with the input shorted, this improving by just over 6dB when an A-weighting network was switched in circuit ahead of the meter."
Back to the OP, ST 70s are HiFi royalty, everyone should have owned at least one, wish I had the room to have kept mine.
EBay Sales pictures of my girl below.