I thought about the last exchanges in this thread and ...
We are living interesting times right now... And the end of an era. Hi-Fi gears are becoming, perhaps have become commodities:
You need an almost perfect DAC-head[phones amplifier? $9.95 (apple Dongle, perhaps the new version is with USB-C, which would make it universal?).
An almost perfect amplifier capable of 250 wpc at 4 ohms and with THD way under audibility .. $500 (perhaps less)..
You need a close to perfect Control Center for your audio system, complete with DRC? $1500.oo (could be less, I have arbitrarily chosen the Denon AVR-3800 because of pre-amp outputs.
You need a close-to-perfect audio transducer ..$49.95 , for a TCZ Blue ...
Need a DAC + Amp + EQ for your headphones ... $125.oo for the Qudelix 5...
This commoditization, hurts. Established companies and, strangely some aficionados. For some , it means the ends of the fun pursuit .. chase...
This REGA dac is from a company known for good solidly priced turntables, perhaps amps, back in the days .. when it made sense to have a TT, because that was what was mostly available (Yeah! there were FM Tuners, Cassette and R2R , then but ... people mostly bought LP) ... This DAC is not competitive with wares routinely produced by the Topping, SMSL, of this new World , etc .. simply is not. One would have to construct reasons to acquire it.. most of these would be subjective: Looks, construction? "feel" ...
If it is for sound .. then there are cheaper, better alternatives .. Based on what the measurements show, this is an audibly transparent device with no sound of its own thus, would be undistinguishable from an Apple dongle ... so what should someone fork out >$1000.oo to acquire it? When there are better and much less expensive products?
Now about the LP and digital issues... We must remain polite. People enjoyment is a personal issue.. and one should respect someone choice of entertainment but ... The truth, verifiable and incontrovertible , remains that digital is superior to LP and its analog cousins (R2R, Cassettes.. whatever).. Personal preferences may have someone leaning toward the sound of LP and/or its analog cousins .. again such "sound" can also be achieved with digital technology ... perhaps the fun would be lost , without the handling and other ritual associated with LP playing but if it is for sound ... and price, and return on investment? Convenience? Performance? Digital won by a landslide...