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Post pictures of anything, with comment...couple words.

Affinity Photo

Unfortunately or fortunately, I am a Linux fanboi from the very bottom of my heart, but I am forced to keep one machine of mine with Windows as I use it with eDrawings, so I may download the trail version to explore this Affinity Photo.
Thank you for suggesting it!

with my Canon G7X (you probably don't need more camera...)

My espresso with an Italian machine "DeLonghi dedica" from Amazon : 150€. In a shopping center : 250€.
You can pick any pre-ground coffee 100% arabica from Brazil, Colombia,Kenya....... your espresso will be way better than any Nespresso capsule and three times cheaper. What I like the most... I am responsible of the taste of my coffee plus I don't need to recycle these aluminum capsules...
and I can make two espressos at the same time.

I've read on Amazon USA very bad comments about the DeLonghi dedica machine. I believe these people don't know how to use the machine. First of all you need pre-ground coffee but it should be grounded thin but not that thin. In Italy, France or Spain when you buy pre-grounded coffee you know that you can use an espresso machine because it's written on the packaging.
Take a look at this video : DeLonghi dedica the man don't know how to make an espresso...

VERY important, the coffee should be 100% arabica... never buy arabica + robusta, NEVER !
You could use ESE pods, "Easy pods" with that machine... but a Nespresso machine using capsules is cheaper.
If you don't want to waste time making an espresso buy a Nespresso machine.
Making an espresso takes time.
A machine making real espressos is expensive. If you drink 3 espressos per day - like me - it's a waste of money.
The Delonghi dedica machine will produce an espresso very close to a REAL espresso.

I will explain but I need to make some pictures.

to be continued....
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@ graz_lag
je viens juste de m'apercevoir que tu étais au Mans...
Focal Utopia speakers...
Those are beautiful speakers... and a very nice media room setup. I think I would have gone with this however:


The frequency range isn't as flat, and it only plays one kind of movie... but it's even more compelling at reference levels. :cool: (It might be slightly more expensive... but only just barely).
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Click on image

This is the "Villa Maryland" belonging to Paul Allen from Microsoft built on the French Riviera not too far from the property of Bono from U2. The two properties are located by the Mediterranean Sea between Nice and Monaco.
The cost of one acre of land here is the most expensive on the planet.
The Allen property : 350 millions euros at least. Actually the most expensive property called "Villa Leopolda" belongs to Russian billionaire Prokhorov, 800 millions euros. There are more than 600 Villas above 100 millions euros here.

Paul Allen Yacht : "Octopuss" 137yards long

These rich people are not allowed by law to use their helicopters to reach their Villas. So most of them have a yacht half mile away with an helicopter or two. Bono has a beautiful yacht too.
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KITZBUEHL Austria is one of the cleanest city I have visited so far. The facades of the buildings seem new, plus food in restaurants is VERY good.
(Behind the BMW, a restaurant). And Austria is a beautiful country... VERY safe.
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The Ringtail Unicorn fish. Yes it is real and that is its name. Who said that we didn't evolve from fish?

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