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Michael Fremer Leaving Stereophile?

Just saw this about him joining Absolute Sound and apparently he has left Stereophile to spend more time with his family. Whatever. :rolleyes:
Hey, if my mother-in-law was as awesome as his I'd spend more time, too. That woman can hear the sound of a mouse fart reproduced through a $1 mil audio system from literally 3 blocks away while down in the laundry room with both washer and dryer running, and she can tell you the species of the mouse and whether or not it has even been chased by a cat.
I always skipped ahead to JA’s measurements. Fremer always seemed to be reviewing Uber expensive equipment so his take on a 100k turntable wasn’t all that interesting other than to shake my head and think some paid $100k for record player. Made him come off as a spoiled snob in his writing. Also his taste in music was far different from mine. I kept wanting him to surprise me and write about how the veil in Lemmy‘s voice on Motörhead’s Ace of Spades was lifted by the gear he was reviewing. Never happened.

I tend to think that MF wrote for TAS before he joined Stereophile... I was a TAS subscriber way back then... MF hasn't done a lot to endear himself to the ASR crowd. He's, however, done a lot for Stereophile and the HEA at large. Stereophile won't change because he has left... On the contrary, they will look at someone capable of acquiring or having the same level (in price) of advertised-in-the-magazine components. Thing is, these days, there are several enthusiasts who possess or are capable of procuring more more expensive systems than what MF, usually have. Some of those have become quite the "influencers" in things HEA. I don't know if these people are as good at wordsmithing as MF. TIme will tell and I won't know or care...

As an aside "MF" is a funny initial .... ;)

The Absolute Sound appears to be where Stereophile alumni go to become even more irrelevant. Robert Harley and Dick Olsher got there before Fremer. There must be something in the air or water (or UFOs) in New Mexico that makes audiophiles nutty. Oh, but not you @MakeMineVinyl. ;)
It's the Christmas chili combo. Best invention ever.
Awhile back, he posted to ASR under his own name and became very combative and used obscenities toward other members in a thread. I tried to find the thread but it appears every trace of his existence here has been expunged.
Try >this< ? (and 4 posts down from it) :)
Yes, that's the one; "I am Michael Fremer. I have been libeled here. Excuse me for defending myself You are an asshole. An asshole. I mean, an asshole".

I had forgotten that I was the one accused of being an asshole. That's perhaps true, but still....... :eek:
Awhile back, he posted to ASR under his own name and became very combative and used obscenities toward other members in a thread. I tried to find the thread but it appears every trace of his existence here has been expunged.
Yes he got himself banned. He was a grade A A** in all of his posts.
Awhile back, he posted to ASR under his own name and became very combative and used obscenities toward other members in a thread. I tried to find the thread but it appears every trace of his existence here has been expunged.
Upton Sinclair wisely said that it is hard to convince someone about them being wrong when their salary depends on the false belief.
Don't forget the DartZeel amps he financed as well....
I like the unique red/gold look, but the size- meh.

I ran into and set next to him in a demo of PPM's 'All My Trials' on a pair of Magicos at AXPONA a few years ago. Didn't really know who he was at that point and found out after the fact, but seemed just repulsed that I had chosen the open seat to the left of him. It was open, and I sat down, enjoyed, and left happy with the experience.
Yes, that's the one; "I am Michael Fremer. I have been libeled here. Excuse me for defending myself You are an asshole. An asshole. I mean, an asshole".

I had forgotten that I was the one accused of being an asshole. That's perhaps true, but still....... :eek:

Yeah...that was a good time.
Hey, if my mother-in-law was as awesome as his I'd spend more time, too. That woman can hear the sound of a mouse fart reproduced through a $1 mil audio system from literally 3 blocks away while down in the laundry room with both washer and dryer running, and she can tell you the species of the mouse and whether or not it has even been chased by a cat.
I have no idea what the reference is but still funny.
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