Anyone knows whether the B200 is in Amir's review pipeline?
One month ago it was not. I asked him two times. Topping has now more focus to more subjective reviewers. And Amir refused to ask the Topping guys, because Amir has stuff to test at least for the next 4 Months in his pipeline.
The Topping people don’t cheat with their own measurements.
The difference between their measurements and Amir’s measurements is that theirs are weighted.
You can compare their B100 measurements with Amir’s B100 measurements and you see, that you have to subtract about 4.5 dB or so from the Topping measurements.
Then look at the difference between B100 and B200 of the Topping measurements.
So you see: Just look, what Amir has measured with the B100 and subtract about 3 dB.
The B200 is the best Amp with more than 100 Watt at 8 Ohms out there.
But not at a great margin compared to a Benchmark AHB2.
By the way: the B in B200 does not mean Class B what many People think, also not „B“ Quality.
So it would not make any sense to wait till there is an „A“ Quality Amp in the topping lineup.
B just mean BRIDGED. They need this technology to squeeze out the last dB of sound Quality from the amp.
I think Bruno Putzeys wrote something about this theme.
You can pick up a pair of B200 Amps at the next Black Friday sale for US$ 960
I put my Christmas gift, The Topping B100 yesterday into my HiFi chain.
It was subjective an overwhelming experience for me.
Here is a little bit of the subjective Bla Bla, Bla, which I wrote to my friends, with them I do some listening sessions from time to time:
„Now I have humbly read all about Bob Dylan from your Rolling Stones 2012 article (many, many, many thanks!) and find everything comparatively unimportant, which I was lucky enough to experience tonight. After all, it was supposed to be all about music - and why shouldn't it be allowed to come from a transistor radio?
My XLR cables arrived yesterday. Today at 10 p.m. I was finally able to put the Topping B100 power amplifiers into operation. Funnily enough, they were connected via RCA cables...... The B100 mono blocks operate in Class B and have the world's best measured values for noise, harmonic distortion and also for the important intermodulation distortion (which simulates complex music signals).
The sound:
Oh Wow! Oh Wow! Oh Wow!
It makes a difference if the distortion is 3,000 times lower than with your AMR 777s.
Blackness. Total blackness. Power! Fear! Shock! Everything deep, pure, clear! Frightening in the coarse dynamics that I flinched at the drums during KUMMER by Trio, although played minimally quieter than today at noon via the Fosi. I thought something had fallen over in the room. The blow came out of nowhere.
Then the “separation” between the instruments on the one hand and the “aura” around the instruments on the other. I would never have thought that Golden Brown by the Stranglers could sound so audiophile (and the drums so fucking REALISTIC).
As always with new stuff, Suzanne Vega was the first with TOMS DINNER on the SOLTITUDE STANDING
So pure, so unbelievably pure.
How could I have listened to the Sonos Play One for years?
How could I have only listened to the Fosi V3 amplifier for a year?
So this is what it sounds like when a power amplifier simply disappears and becomes invisible in the signal path.
So even non-audiophile records are actually that good (or at least that pornographically detailed)!
That's how beautifully the Timmermanns developed my WaveMon 182/22 speakers.
Ray Brown's double bass suddenly sings at the bottom: structure, melody, which before was just droning. And on the Oscar Petterson I even discovered a piano note floating in the eternal 96 kHz reverberation of the sides, which even escaped me with you!
Things fade out without the new sound having completely displaced the old one. The old quieter tone sounds even further without being masked away..... Isn't that what Hiraga said about good tubes?
Ella and Louis, also with 96 kHz -goil!!!
I think I would have missed out on all this if I had bought the Neumann speakers with their built-in primitive digital amplifiers limited to 24 kHz....
I'm afraid that next Black Friday Gregor and you will each be EUR 480,- poorer.....
There is no alternative to the B100, at least for speakers with more than 90 dB efficiency.“