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    • G
      GK. replied to the thread Worst movie ever?.
      Err, you said: "I will give it credit for knowing what it wanted to be and for being exactly that, as well as for being advertised as...
    • G
      GK. replied to the thread Worst movie ever?.
      You could give exactly the same credit to Les Patterson Saves the World.
    • G
      GK. replied to the thread Movies Worth Owning.
      Wot? This is a film that truly demands that the viewer puts their brain into a glass of water before sitting down. Like Interstellar...
    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      These aren't ECL comparators driving TTL. Slow 4000-series CMOS is probably the least EMI-generating logic out there and the LM339s with...
    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      Currently considering one of these with a spindle motor upgrade for the panel engraving.
    • G
      GK. replied to the thread Worst movie ever?.
      Mad Max Fury Road. Not the worst movie ever made, but deserves special mention because of the almost universal critical acclaim. They...
    • G
      GK. replied to the thread Deluxe two-tone oscillator.
      ? That would be even more inconvenient than using the bench generators as described. I am just using the QA403 to verify the...
    • G
      Not exactly HiFi audio as this is specifically designed for testing the IMD performance of SSB radio transmitters, but it contains...
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    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      Yes, there is that and also the considerations mentioned earlier. This project has actually been a long time in the making. I originally...
    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      Very nice! I think every respectable power amplifier has to have a nice pair of vintage VU meters on the front panel. :) The most...
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    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      So I got a not particularly useful bot response from FPE more or less confirming the above shipping quote and offering zero explanation...
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    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      Well this project has come to a depressing halt. I've just finished after putting an inordinate amount of time into designing the front...
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    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      That's a nice build. I did briefly contemplate the sampling option using a high-end audio ADC, but I am not sure that I could have as...
    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      New boards are loaded and verified to be error free. Now I just have to send off the 1U rack front panel design for manufacture. When...
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    • G
      GK. replied to the thread True peak programme meter.
      Whats the typical frequency range and duration of a vinyl tick and pop? I remember reading an article in a 70's electronics magazine...
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