You set low self filter 105 Hz Q 0.71 (Butterwort) afterwards to the A scale SPL reading from UMIK-1 in REW. It's a bass boost to mimic ISO 226 2003 loudness compensation.
You must adjust REW EQ properties correctly. Set filter tasks to Overall Max Boost 3 (or 2), Individual Max Boost 2 (or 1), Flatness 2 (or 1). I use Target settings HF Fall Slope Start 1000 (Hz) and slope 1.4 dB/octave. I don't bust low bass additionally and use ISO 226 2003 implemented loudness in JRiver.
To reference to SPL how to adjust low self filter:
View attachment 376487
If you want to try VBA and FIR (first two parts of the video):