By the way, in the past, I measured the impact of the Dirac live correction using a hardware DSP in a miniDSP DDRC-22D
This device is purely digital (no analog Input or Output), so the degradation here is purely due to the DSP (or to the algorithm)
We see 25dB degradation of SINAD (almost 35dB impact on SNR) when corrections are active.
Note that, in that case, the device being all digital, the resulting SINAD is still around 115dB, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
This device is purely digital (no analog Input or Output), so the degradation here is purely due to the DSP (or to the algorithm)
We see 25dB degradation of SINAD (almost 35dB impact on SNR) when corrections are active.
MiniDSP DDRC-22D DIRAC measurements
Hi After all those talks about AVR and their poor performances, I measured my MiniDSP DDRC-22D Dirac for SINAD, just to check what impact the DSP and Dirac can be in that story. The MiniDSP DDRC-22D is stereo only. Note that Dirac Stereo forces the sampling frequency to 96kHz, so that's how I...
Note that, in that case, the device being all digital, the resulting SINAD is still around 115dB, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.