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Genelec 8361A Review (Powered Monitor)

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What makes these ATCs worth double the price of the 8361?
Nostalgia. Status. Bragging rights. Beatles albums were mixed and mastered on this brand’s stuff. Makes for a nice story.

Big studios run by geezers (no offense to anyone - I mean this mentally not physically) who do things today with the rationale “that’s how things have always been done” install these. With a fully treated room i’m sure they’re okay for the job. The mixing engineer can adjust their to cover for them.

Business friendships. So many reasons which do not include state or the art sound reproduction.
Nostalgia. Status. Bragging rights. Beatles albums were mixed and mastered on this brand’s stuff. Makes for a nice story.

Big studios run by geezers (no offense to anyone - I mean this mentally not physically) who do things today with the rationale “that’s how things have always been done” install these. With a fully treated room i’m sure they’re okay for the job. The mixing engineer can adjust their to cover for them.

Business friendships. So many reasons which do not include state or the art sound reproduction.
the beatles mixed on the Atc. Atc created in 1974.
and two guys like you!!!
Which one?
Sold ATC SCM25a for Genelec 8361s. ATC just feel like a company making 'OK' products at wildly inflated prices. When I recal the cheap plywood cases of my ATCs and look at the functional cast aluminium cabinets of my Genelecs - shaped by a deep understanding of acoustic design - it's clear ATC are stuck decades back. This of course is without even thinking about the Genelecs incredibly well thought out (and effective) DSP and brilliant innovations like the GRADE reports.

Nostalgia and history may see ATC continue a while yet, but it needs to wake up because when its current fan-base fizzle out, it is going to find itself with its pants round its ankles and technology racing away.
Sold ATC SCM25a for Genelec 8361s. ATC just feel like a company making 'OK' products at wildly inflated prices. When I recal the cheap plywood cases of my ATCs and look at the functional cast aluminium cabinets of my Genelecs - shaped by a deep understanding of acoustic design - it's clear ATC are stuck decades back. This of course is without even thinking about the Genelecs incredibly well thought out (and effective) DSP and brilliant innovations like the GRADE reports.

Nostalgia and history may see ATC continue a while yet, but it needs to wake up because when its current fan-base fizzle out, it is going to find itself with its pants round its ankles and technology racing away.
Can you compare the sound also? Thanks
Can you compare the sound also? Thanks
When I first got the ATCs I was in love with their midrange. Later, the unimpressive bass (not very extended or weighty) coupled with an uneven top end began to grate. No matter how I tweaked the sound with DSP, positioning etc they left me wanting. In fact, when I sold them to a guy (who wanted them for monitoring in his impressive home studio) he was able to analyse their performance with a Trinnov processor and mic and the measurements confirmed their lacklustre performance. I could see he had been hoping for more (from the great ATC) but in reality they were barely better than his outgoing speakers.

The Genelecs however impressed me immediately with a sense of rightness. Once calibrated they did not draw attention to any part of the sound (sounding even and correct everywhere) and, sorry it's a cliché, they just 'disappeared'. In particular I was struck by their effortless dynamics and 'speed' i.e no sluggishness or overhang (probably linked to better room callibration/integration). They just don't draw your attention to themselves; different types of music sound clearly different (as they should). You don't feel the 'sound' of a speaker like a tint over everything.

Sorry, all very subjective!
Sold ATC SCM25a for Genelec 8361s. ATC just feel like a company making 'OK' products at wildly inflated prices. When I recal the cheap plywood cases of my ATCs and look at the functional cast aluminium cabinets of my Genelecs - shaped by a deep understanding of acoustic design - it's clear ATC are stuck decades back. This of course is without even thinking about the Genelecs incredibly well thought out (and effective) DSP and brilliant innovations like the GRADE reports.

Nostalgia and history may see ATC continue a while yet, but it needs to wake up because when its current fan-base fizzle out, it is going to find itself with its pants round its ankles and technology racing away.
you dream and fall in love of your speaker.
the kh420 with is old design , contradict your technological and carpentry assertions.
you dream and fall in love of your speaker.
the kh420 with is old design , contradict your technological and carpentry assertions.
Sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand your point.
you dream and fall in love of your speaker.
the kh420 with is old design , contradict your technological and carpentry assertions.

Introduced in 2015 as an update to 2009 design. These are not ancient history. Also it’s evident they considered how waves emanate from a drive unit.

There’s no point to what you said. With all due respect.

Also just because something is old is not in and of itself a negative. See Geithain. It’s old thinking and living off a memory that is the problem.
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Sorry, I'm not following this . . . [baffled :confused:]
Sorry, I'm not following this . . . [baffled :confused:]
When you said ATC is stuck decades back it ruffled some feathers. The assumption being KH420 is of similar design ilk as the ATC (false) as most will consider KH420 and 8361 to be equivalent in performance generally speaking.

He has a point though. Extremely good performance can be had from plywood. Just not in the ATC. So maybe i’m in the wrong in understanding his point.

Aluminum does feel good and makes it more durable but does it necessarily make it sound better? That would be false and he’s right about that.

But I would take the better build quality speaker of 2 equivalent choices.

Also GLM on a practical level is a huge differentiator.

Someone else with a Trinnov and hard mounting may prefer the KH420. Fair enough.
When you said ATC is stuck decades back it ruffled some feathers. The assumption being KH420 is of similar design ilk as the ATC (false) as most will consider KH420 and 8361 to be equivalent in performance generally speaking.

He has a point though. Extremely good performance can be had from plywood. Just not in the ATC. So maybe i’m in the wrong in understanding his point.
Oh. I kinda see now . .

Well, I would continue to assert that ATC is stuck in the past. I do not see any significant innovation from it anywhere (design, materials or otherwise) that is remotely akin to what some manufacturers (like Genelec) are doing. They make OK, but overpriced speakers that most certainly are not 'pushing the envelope'. If you want to build at the cutting edge of performance you need to be employing the latest technologies and designs.

Yes, great, amazing even, performance can and will continue to be achieved using plywood. But there are more modern solutions if you want to make something exceptional.

I still don't see how flagging something from Neuman (for whom I have great rspect) has anything to do wth ATC products though!

I can understand why some love their ATCs - nostalgia, 'wow' factor (to the ininitiaited), significant financial investment - but I ditched mine while there are still those who would pay top dollar for them
Oh. I kinda see now . .

Well, I would continue to assert that ATC is stuck in the past. I do not see any significant innovation from it anywhere (design, materials or otherwise) that is remotely akin to what some manufacturers (like Genelec) are doing. They make OK, but overpriced speakers that most certainly are not 'pushing the envelope'. If you want to build at the cutting edge of performance you need to be employing the latest technologies and designs.

Yes, great, amazing even, performance can and will continue to be achieved using plywood. But there are more modern solutions if you want to make something exceptional.

I still don't see how flagging something from Neuman (for whom I have great rspect) has anything to do wth ATC products though!

I can understand why some love their ATCs - nostalgia, 'wow' factor (to the ininitiaited), significant financial investment - but I ditched mine while there are still those who would pay top dollar for them
Haha I know. Let’s not trash them until all of us have sold them!
If a sub, I would prefer a Genelec vs SVS, just for easy GLM integration.

Speaking about the 736a sam:
Does it not in the end, depends on the SPL you use or intend to use the 8361, respectively at what distance?

If the limitation of the 7360 is SPL only (which btw is still given at 113dB at 1m half space/ 118dB max peak);
but you never listen to your 8361 for instance >90dB at 3m. in what would the 7360 not be enough?

I understand that the 7360 might reach its limits before 8361, but, in a domestic use, how often does this be reached anyway?

7360 reaches down to 19Hz, where the 8361 ends at 30Hz, this is nice to have. But, 7370 or 7380 would be way way to massive for my living room anyway.
I have 2 7360s. They clip before the 8341s on some songs. I used Tangband’s suggestion to increase their output without affecting the sound. That really helped a lot.

7360 is a 10” sub. It’s kind of a toy to be honest. That’s why for a large space you really might as well get the 7380. Even the 7370 is only $1300 less. No point to it.

A lot of people do that numbers thing and “measure”. The truth is some octaves need to fill the entire space. If you are 1m away maybe you will get the stated SPL. But that bass diffuses into the room in a hurry. Most of of it gone by the time it reaches you.

My listen spot has good bass now. But if get up and go to the kitchen the 2 x 7360 sound like nothing.

But yes now I am worried about the neighbor. He has been tolerant. But that 15” sub might cross a line. Let’s see.
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When I first got the ATCs I was in love with their midrange. Later, the unimpressive bass (not very extended or weighty) coupled with an uneven top end began to grate. No matter how I tweaked the sound with DSP, positioning etc they left me wanting. In fact, when I sold them to a guy (who wanted them for monitoring in his impressive home studio) he was able to analyse their performance with a Trinnov processor and mic and the measurements confirmed their lacklustre performance. I could see he had been hoping for more (from the great ATC) but in reality they were barely better than his outgoing speakers.
funny ... it seems i am on the same path like you :)
sold my ATC SCM 40 and now waiting for 4351B to come and will connect them to mini DSP SHD studio

ATCs insist that they rely only on classic and proven technologies ... and are not alone especially in UK (harbeth , proac, grahamaudio). So, is not bug is a feature :)

But the technology is developing and this world-famous ATC-midrange is just not that unique anymore :) On the other hand those speakers cant still be very pleasing for a lot of listener. For me - i found the genelec mids more revealing and fullbody and with more impact and dynamic. Regarding bass and hights will say they are diffrent but not that the one is better than the other. Actually in bass perhaps ATC is better resolving, but is a standmount after all and closed box. I messured the bass-driver allone ... pretty unque parameters. The tweeter is also remarkable linear and low distortig till 0,8-1Khz.
In general - the ATCs are more gentle and calm. Never really enjoyed very dynamic electronic or hard rock music on them, but very nice for a soft jazz, vocals, world.
This is also a good remark on them https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...tors-to-hear-reverb.30183/page-5#post-1313364
Obviously ATC are also still good enough for studio - quite common and desired.
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