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Extreme Snake Oil

A room temperature superconducting gel power cord, finally! And at less than $4k, it's a bargain:



You readed this?
Audiophile Opens Up Shunyata Product, Doesn't Really Know What It Does:

This is certainly a case where an Amir break down/test would be so much more informative.
"Reviewer" who knows nothing makes shit up.:rolleyes:
A "tube active" cable

My take is some of it has to be this- I'm shopping for a CD player too many choices ! I narrowed it down to Marantz CD6007 or the Nad C538 than saw the Marantz CD60 on sale (scratch & dent). Me Knowing very little about what makes a good CD player & value I call the retailers "expert advisor" He tells me there all good units & the THD is good in all of them & I wouldn't notice that, but big difference I would notice is the S/N ratio and comparing the Marantz CD 60 to Marantz 6007 "the S/N is much better so it's well worth it the extra money". OK I start looking at those numbers & end up confused as per the expert the higher the S/N the better the unit will sound. For some reason the "expert" mentioned nothing about the DAC's in them.
Marantz 6007 s/n 110-$800
Marantz CD60 118- $800
Nad 110- $400
Pro-ject DS3 105- $999
Project S3 120- $550
So I call back "expert" and ask if the S/N ratio is the thing in audible difference than how come the Pro-ject S3 has a much better S/N than there DS3 which costs almost double ? His answer was "well that's just how they do it" I asked "do what" He answers "there's a lot that goes into this & I'm not sure but don't worry there all really good sounding players" Wow, not the response I was expecting.
I know THD & S/N numbers aren't snake oil but when you have a giant retailer probably largest seller of audio gear online not knowing what the heck He's talking about your going to get a lot of people spending a lot more money with no audible benefit.
So us (most of us) consumers think more money gets you a better product maybe but better sounding maybe not.
Now I'm shopping for some RCA cables to hook up CD player and budgeted 500 bucks I think they will really make that CD player sing but 1st I'll need to talk to the expert selling them.:rolleyes:
My take is some of it has to be this- I'm shopping for a CD player too many choices ! I narrowed it down to Marantz CD6007 or the Nad C538 than saw the Marantz CD60 on sale (scratch & dent). Me Knowing very little about what makes a good CD player & value I call the retailers "expert advisor" He tells me there all good units & the THD is good in all of them & I wouldn't notice that, but big difference I would notice is the S/N ratio and comparing the Marantz CD 60 to Marantz 6007 "the S/N is much better so it's well worth it the extra money". OK I start looking at those numbers & end up confused as per the expert the higher the S/N the better the unit will sound. For some reason the "expert" mentioned nothing about the DAC's in them.
Marantz 6007 s/n 110-$800
Marantz CD60 118- $800
Nad 110- $400
Pro-ject DS3 105- $999
Project S3 120- $550
So I call back "expert" and ask if the S/N ratio is the thing in audible difference than how come the Pro-ject S3 has a much better S/N than there DS3 which costs almost double ? His answer was "well that's just how they do it" I asked "do what" He answers "there's a lot that goes into this & I'm not sure but don't worry there all really good sounding players" Wow, not the response I was expecting.
I know THD & S/N numbers aren't snake oil but when you have a giant retailer probably largest seller of audio gear online not knowing what the heck He's talking about your going to get a lot of people spending a lot more money with no audible benefit.
So us (most of us) consumers think more money gets you a better product maybe but better sounding maybe not.
Now I'm shopping for some RCA cables to hook up CD player and budgeted 500 bucks I think they will really make that CD player sing but 1st I'll need to talk to the expert selling them.:rolleyes:
The one that sounds the best is the one whose commission is the biggest. There is a direct correlation.
This product just seems, what's the word I'm thinking of, Insane? I guess it's for folks looking to maximize the number of tubes in their systems.
Whereas that's true, a lot of other snake oil crap is just insane, too. Seems like you can get big bucks if there is absolutely no coherent explanation or supporting science.
Whereas that's true, a lot of other snake oil crap is just insane, too. Seems like you can get big bucks if there is absolutely no coherent explanation or supporting science.
In fairness Einstein does get a mention.

Thinking about it, he'd be fascinated by the amount of new physics that's been discovered by audiophiles in the last 30 years. It's been breakthrough after breakthrough. By comparison the Large Hadron Collider and all those billions spent on it has contributed next to nothing.
I know plenty of good engineers who buy into these “snake oils”.
I don’t know why there’s so many threads on this forum about “snake oils”. People are free to buy whatever they want.
You're traveling through another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead. Your next stop - the Twilight Zone.
TDLR: People believe in snakeoil, because they dont understand how things works. Scientific stuff sometimes too hard to understand so they have to find something thats easier to understand. Snakeoil and exotic audio marketing usually using easy to understand, really simple formulas.

Just like in the medieval age, all the uneducated people worshipped the church, because it gave them ready to use ideals, they didnt had to think about anything so they thought they are doing fine.
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