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Erin's Audio Corner gets a Klippel NFS!


Major Contributor
Jul 18, 2019
North Alabama
Well, after months of back and forth, looking at expenses and trying to predict the future, I finally did it…

I have acquired a Klippel Near Field Scanner!!!!

As some of you have seen me say before, it takes me 10+ hours; sometimes literal days. The NFS will cut that time down significantly and provide even higher accuracy data. I should be receiving it hopefully within a few weeks. I am awaiting a shipping date from Klippel but I just sent payment for shipping/import fees this morning.

It's going to take me a long time to pay this off... at my current YouTube revenue rate it may be 10-15 years (I have literally been averaging $10/day; which is nice but it is nowhere near enough to make a living from). So, it should be apparent (if it wasn’t already apparent) this isn’t about money for me but about passion. Frankly, if I were in this stuff for the money then I would just throw up subjective reviews like so many of the other reviewers and knock out a review per week. That’s not a knock against those guys… plenty of people watch and appreciate that content. But that’s not my goal with my channel/site. For me it is about gathering evidence (data) and using that to help draw meaningful conclusions about what we as listeners like and prefer and then use that knowledge along with future data to help inform in order to make purchase decisions that make more sense for us. I am trying hard to do my best to provide objective and subjective; that's my real goal. And I think I do a good job but the NFS will allow me to take it to a new level. This isn’t my full time job but I work just as hard at it as I do my day job.

As I've said before... if I can just break even, this is a great way for me to pass the time in a meaningful way. I get to play with cool toys. I get to make more friends. I get to learn. I get to grow. And, maybe, if this passion doesn't wane (it hasn't in my last 15 years) then it'll be a hobby for me after I retire from my real job. And the community benefits with great data. The data can never replace hearing something yourself (because tastes can change, etc). But I am a proponent of good data to help us build a better understanding and filter out the junk from the "maybe" pile.

Now, I’m all in on this and payment is being taken care of on my end. However, I have started a PayPal contribution page for those of you who have the means and have found my efforts useful enough to warrant contributing to the cause in order to help me at least offset some of my costs. I know times are tough for everyone so if you can’t or simply don’t want to contribute, hey, I get it. Like I said, it’s already a done deal. But if you are able to help just know that I am extremely grateful for anything you can help with.

If you want to help contribute to the cause the link is below:
Erin's Audio Corner Klippel Near Field Scanner Fund

Klippel NFS Fund 3.png
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Well, after months of back and forth, looking at expenses and trying to predict the future, I finally did it…

I have acquired a Klippel Near Field Scanner!!!!

As some of you have seen me say before, it takes me 10+ hours; sometimes literal days. The NFS will cut that time down significantly and provide even higher accuracy data. I should be receiving it hopefully within a few weeks. I am awaiting a shipping date from Klippel but I just sent payment for shipping/import fees this morning.

It's going to take me a long time to pay this off... at my current YouTube revenue rate it may be 10-15 years (I have literally been averaging $10/day; which is nice but it is nowhere near enough to make a living from). So, it should be apparent (if it wasn’t already apparent) this isn’t about money for me but about passion. Frankly, if I were in this stuff for the money then I would just throw up subjective reviews like so many of the other reviewers and knock out a review per week. That’s not a knock against those guys… plenty of people watch and appreciate that content. But that’s not my goal with my channel/site. For me it is about gathering evidence (data) and using that to help draw meaningful conclusions about what we as listeners like and prefer and then use that knowledge along with future data to help inform in order to make purchase decisions that make more sense for us. I am trying hard to do my best to provide objective and subjective; that's my real goal. And I think I do a good job but the NFS will allow me to take it to a new level. This isn’t my full time job but I work just as hard at it as I do my day job.

As I've said before... if I can just break even, this is a great way for me to pass the time in a meaningful way. I get to play with cool toys. I get to make more friends. I get to learn. I get to grow. And, maybe, if this passion doesn't wane (it hasn't in my last 15 years) then it'll be a hobby for me after I retire from my real job. And the community benefits with great data. The data can never replace hearing something yourself (because tastes can change, etc). But I am a proponent of good data to help us build a better understanding and filter out the junk from the "maybe" pile.

Now, I’m all in on this and payment is being taken care of on my end. However, I have started a PayPal contribution page for those of you who have the means and have found my efforts useful enough to warrant contributing to the cause in order to help me at least offset some of my costs. I know times are tough for everyone so if you can’t or simply don’t want to contribute, hey, I get it. Like I said, it’s already a done deal. But if you are able to help just know that I am extremely grateful for anything you can help with.

If you want to help contribute to the cause the link is below:
Erin's Audio Corner Klippel Near Field Scanner Fund

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It's truly a golden age for objectivist-leaning audiophiles. Thanks for all your hard work Erin! This will be an awesome addition to go along with Amir's reviews for anechoic data. And as someone who understands the (sometimes physical) pain of extensive manual speaker measurements, I'm glad you'll be getting a robot to help you out! Plus it'll look pretty rad in the videos.

I'll be sticking to my plastic turntable for now, but maybe in a couple of, umm, decades, I can get my own....
Just to echo everyone this is wonderful news, wishing you every success.
Ooooh! Does this mean we get to see the D&D 8C on the NFS? :D
It will be baptism by fire testing a speaker with complex radiation pattern using NFS!

Congrats Erin. It will substantially simply your life in testing speakers.
Ooooh! Does this mean we get to see the D&D 8C on the NFS? :D
It will be baptism by fire testing a speaker with complex radiation pattern using NFS!

LOL. Well, I do have the Kef R3 on hand - which was previously measured by @amirm - and I had planned to start with that because the results are documented which will help me make sure things look reasonable. :)

I am sure I will have a learning curve but, yep, once I get the kinks worked out I'll be using this bad boy to test the D&D 8c. In fact, that's the one I am most curious about. I foresee many sleepless nights ahead. Due to both excitement and bouts of frustration. LOL

amirm said:
Congrats Erin. It will substantially simply your life in testing speakers

Thanks, Amir. This will no doubt make life easier... no telling how many hours I have total in manually testing speakers. As we had discussed previously, I really wanted to get the extension but the extra cost of that just isn't feasible at the moment (nevermind the ceiling height being a factor). Maybe one day, though. But for now, I'm just happy to not have to keep measuring the way I did before. :)
Perhaps you can help him. I know you've had to make a few adjustments to get it dialed in.

I'm sure I'll have questions for Amir. But he's got a ton on his plate already so I'll try to keep it limited as to not take up his time if I can help it. I can always skype the folks at Klippel and annoy them. :D
I'm sure I'll have questions for Amir. But he's got a ton on his plate already so I'll try to keep it limited as to not take up his time if I can help it. I can always skype the folks at Klippel and annoy them. :D
To be sure, for the Spinoramas you have been producing so far, are you using the correct formula for the Early Reflections? Because, I assume Klippel has yet to make the adjustment (they told Amir how to do it manually), so currently the Early Reflections & PIR curves the NFS spits out are not correct. If so, be aware and don’t use the pre-computed data for those curves.

Oh, and:
Very happy for you. I wish we could have more reviewers who have access to this state of the art measurement system. You got your ears on, JA?
Very happy for you. I wish we could have more reviewers who have access to this state of the art measurement system. You got your ears on, JA?
Maybe they do and choose otherwise? ;)
To be sure, for the Spinoramas you have been producing so far, are you using the correct formula for the Early Reflections? Because, I assume Klippel has yet to make the adjustment (they told Amir how to do it manually), so currently the Early Reflections & PIR curves the NFS spits out are not correct. If so, be aware and don’t use the pre-computed data for those curves.
I am told the fixes are in the latest versions of the software. I have not had time to verify.

I can't express how grateful I am to you for your donation and to everyone else for theirs as well. It's really a big help. I actually had to order some shelving for my garage last night (some wire bin stuff from Amazon) to help me clear out the space where the NFS will be going. So, the donation is definitely appreciated.
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