They're cut from the same cloth. BD stated that he lifted the highs a tad, and, perhaps, should've used even more eq on his mix. The early LP masters were all over the place. Add the fact that many were played to an inch of their lives, it's very difficult to find one in decent enough shape to properly compare. That said, have some 200g classic versions for comparison, brand spanking new, still wrapped, never played. Hope to rip 'em soon.
I mentioned the first, very limited run of RL LP copies (LZII), supposedly the most bass heavy version out there, soon culled because it couldn't be tracked by the stylus/turntables of that era. I think I either have a v.good rip of the LP, or perhaps a digital copy of the R2R version it was derived, either in 24/192 or possibly DSD. If time permits, I'll check my archives and post a plot ... if memory serves, the one time I did hear it, awesome low freq impact, without the bloat.
None of the page.marino titles are worth much in these circles, hardly recomendable, collectors have long stayed away for obvious reasons. That said, if one prefers the added compression/limiting, they can be had, used, for a dime a dozen, or you can pay full cost for the identical HDTrack version.