I think my memory is slowly fading away. ...Can we add the missing dots of audio info? ...Me I don't think so; you?
"By now, have you noticed the difference between CDs and vinyl? Okay, even if you not still listening to vinyl, have you at least *felt* the difference between CDs and MP3s?......An MP3 (of a CD) is only about 5 MB. It's remarkable that 7/8 of the information is gone! What does this mean for you, the listener? The song's dimensional information is being thrown out with the bathwater.....
....The basic difference between analog and digital is in the latter's technique of sampling.....the samples, by their nature, leave finite gaps in the wave. These gaps are perceive subconsciously.
It's much like the difference between incandescent and fluorescent lighting. Fluorescents 'flash' on and off 120 times per second. Similarly, digital sound is stopping and starting constantly , as opposed to being a continuous analog wave. And the effect on our psyche is remarkably similar too: Both fluorescent lighting and digital sound can cause stress. (Even though it may be small, this kind of stress is definitely noticeable and even measureable)."