Vini darko
Major Contributor
They are so tiny and adorable.
Yeah the marketing speek is strong with these.I did read it on head-fi just a few hours ago. I love how Jason is trying to sell the whole "less is more" pitch.
Thanks. Rekkr breaks the rules so it is going to remain out of the list...@Matias In case you want to add these to your spreadsheet, the Gjallahorn has 0.005822% THD+N at 4Ω 5W, or 84.7dB SINAD AVGed across both channels:
View attachment 266959
Power at 1% is 18.04W:
View attachment 266961
The Rekkr on the other hand, doesn't even reach 5W so not sure if/how you'd want to add it.
It can output 3.78W at 1%:
View attachment 266962
Both graphs are from Schiit's measurement reports (also attached below).
Is the one, I think it's called the 'jellyhorn', is that a toroidial transformer in it? That's kind of impressive, isn't it?I have to applaud the gall of a company selling a 2wpc "HiFi" power amplifier, but they are seriously very cute. I expect they will sell better than people would think, particularly to the desktop/mom's basement crowd.
And the performance in the crucial low level listening power area is pretty impressive- they should be virtually silent on a desktop, something larger, more capable amplifiers can't reliably achieve.
I really like the new Schiits, but if I want a truly miniature amplifier for my desk, I'll just pull out a real one like this:
Iconic Boomboxes
Hi, Discogs put out an article about famous Boomboxes: I wonder if it would be possible to measure some of them, especially FR and
I just read Jason's chapter on these amps. He is dismissing desktop class D amplifiers and active speakers because of hiss, and suggesting his amps into passive speakers are the cure? That is a lot of FUD he is spreading there. Maybe he could contextualize better with things like "for the price" or "in some cheap active monitors", but "oops" he forgot to mention those, how convenient...
Anyway Schiit has a passionate fanbase, I am sure they will sell tons of them.
Topping PA3s has higher SINAD at 5W (noise included), SNR of 112 dB (117dB on Gjallarhorn), a lot higher power and still 150 usd (300 usd on the Gjallarhorn). Though I am not sure this was one of the amps with lots of failures...
"...with our exclusive Continuity S™ output stage, as well as a fully linear power supply—including a toroidal transformer with stacked rails and 30,000uF of filter capacitance. No Class D, no switching supplies, no fans. Pick it up—it’s a heavyweight!"
Jeez, that is pure FUD and nostalgia there.
is that a toroidial transformer in it? That's kind of impressive, isn't it?
I just read Jason's chapter on these amps. He is dismissing desktop class D amplifiers and active speakers because of hiss, and suggesting his amps into passive speakers are the cure? That is a lot of FUD he is spreading there. Maybe he could contextualize better with things like "for the price" or "in some cheap active monitors", but "oops" he forgot to mention those, how convenient...
Which? The little Aiwa A-10 has a toroidal transformer inside, twin stereo (4) amps running in BTL to give around 15wpc, full tone, phono stage, can run (on any world voltage) and 12V (@12W/ch) and has a plenty of inputs, a headphone out.
"speaker efficiency is rated in terms of dB. A 95 dB efficient speaker will be 10x as loud as an 85dB efficient speaker for the same power input."