I am not sure where this is coming from, so just responding to the post itself. Been a busy week, sorry if irrelevant.
This response is really two topics.
I had some time to think about this topic. So based on what I read recently and in this thread, all articles that published the result of blind testing, are irrelevant to me. If this testing is supposed to be scientific, the rule is that to make the result valid, anyone should be able to repeat. The problem I see is 1. You need to have the same amplifiers, the same speakers, the same speaker cables, the preamp and the same source hardware. Not to mention the same music.
No, you can do multiple trials during one test cycle to obtain a statistically significant sample. If you repeat the test later, since what you are listening for are differences, then it does not really matter if everything changed except the thing you are testing. One caveat is that amplifiers interact with speakers, so changing speakers may change the test results, though they will be valid for those speakers. One reason it is important to list and understand all the components in the test. And why the best test for a given person is using his own system.
Frankly I just don't get it, why I need to know if people can or cannot hear the difference between a certain model of a brand of amplifiers to another? That is is like telling you I have a rosebush that has wilting roses? Is that relevant to you? Almost never do i see the gearing test chart of the people listening. What if they are half deaf and can't hear half the arbitrarily defined spectrum?
Listener hearing acuity is frequently mentioned and can affect test outcomes. Most of the significant content is in the midrange so HF hearing loss is not necessarily a disqualification. And using multiple users tends to expose outliers. Again, multiple tests using multiple listeners is best.
On another hand why exactly do I need to do that at my house with my equipment? If I don't have different equipment to test that may or not sound different, why exactly do I want to do this? Now I have to buy even more equipment. This is my workbench. Let's just put this out there. I am retired RF engineer that has developed and design broadband RF amplifiers for CATV system amplifiers that hang on the pole, for almost 30 years. Never did I or any other engineer do any blind (no pun intended) to discern the difference between equipment. All faults that you see on your TV have measurable causes. I have designed audio amplifiers on the late 80's. Every one is still working today because I did not use crappy components. For me it is easy to determine if an audio amplifier is a crappy design.
Presumably there is no human bias for how CATV amplifiers sound.
All faults in audio equipment are also measurable, but some people deny that, and some people like to know what they are and/or if they can really tell a difference.
Also I not only use frequency domain measures that Amir mostly uses, I also prefer to use time domain measurements.
Frequency and time domain are related, see Fourier. (Yes, I know you know that, yanking your chain.) Many of us like to perform both frequency and time domain measurements as they highlight different things. Step response is a lot easier to see on a 'scope than from an FFT, but it is often not obvious how flat the audio band is from looking at the step response.
And a digital scope and decent signal generator cost a fraction of what Amir paid for his distortion analyzer.
But getting -100 dB THD, SNR, SINAD and so forth is difficult to impossible from a typical 'scope and inexpensive signal generator. On a 'scope, about the best I can do is maybe 6 bits or so by eye, maybe 8 bits if I can overlie a perfect sine wave on the measured one.
One thing I always test and amp for is a square wave to look for high frequency oscillation when I use a slightly capacities load. A 100 MHz scope is a good thing to have. In the picture I have a nice classic 100MHz HP scope, and the little lunchbox beside it is the latest Siglent 14bit 100MHz oscilloscope.
Perfect example of why many of us use a 'scope. I need to get one myself now that I have retired and no longer have access to multimillion dollar test lab (for GHz stuff, though, so the 'scopes worked OK but the spectrum and network analyzers often didn;t go all the way down to the audio band).
Frankly ergonomics on the new digital stuff is complete crap. To do simple things you need to push so many buttons and some stuff is nested too many button pushes down. It does have an auto measurement button, but that is only good for the first time as it resets everything. Sorry for the rant.
No worries, I suspect most of use agree. Some is better than others, but a lot of stuff is unintuitive. I still like knobs, easier to reach up and turn a knob than wade through menus. Tek did better than HP/Agilent/Keysight but they go back and forth.
What the digital stuff is good for is to measure parameters that are preprogrammed. For an amplifier it is good to see the phase response over the 20-20K bandwidth. This gives you an idea on what kind of speaker load will it give it some trouble. With the signal generator and scope, it can be done in a few minutes.
Easier if you can get inside the amp to measure the loop response. Otherwise a programmable load really helps.
I also like to test an amp at full power at 20kHz to see how hot it gets after a few minutes and if it goes into current limiting or shutdown. Back when the first high power solid state amplifiers came out, the output stage would blow, because the transistors were too slow and as one turned on the other did not shut off so you had mutual conduction and the transistors went into avalanche destruction as you exceeded the safe operating area. Of course the manufacturers claimed it was not how the amplifier was going to be used, but I just call it a crappy design and cost cutting. Don't claim it can produce full power 20-20kHz.
A common complaint appreciated by many here. Fortunately we have much faster transistors these days and better circuit designs (as well as protection circuits). Not that every design is good, natch.
The class G amps switch at high frequencies. The output transistors are stressed as they have a finite bandwidth and much less margin than a transistor being used at audio frequencies. If you look at the specs of power Mosfets from the early devices made by Toshiba and the more recent ones developed for switching, the difference is not that same ration as 1MHz to 20kHz. All class G amps have to put in a dead zone where both transistors are cut off so the space charge can dissipate. So when one turns on the other is guaranteed to be off. I would worry that over a decade or longer that the timing circuit may get unstable and when both conduct, its game over.
I think you mean class D? The "dead zone" is usually designed into the circuit and will track the loop gain bandwidth and oscillation frequency over time and environmental (PVT) changes. I have designed class D circuits for military and space applications and that was actually fairly easy. The hard part was keeping overall performance high, especially after getting irradiated. Hard to meet distortion and noise specs when open-loop gain drops to almost nothing and thresholds shift all over the place.
When I buy audio equipment I try to to get a schematic either before or after. This way I can fix it if there is a problem. Some of the newer audio equipment is disposable, so it does not really earn my respects if it is not repairable.
Again, many folk here (myself included) miss the old days when a schematic was part of the owner's manual. Now, you often have to jump through all sorts of hoops and pay big to get one, if they'll even sell it to a consumer.
I think this mostly covers what I wanted to say in this post.
As you peruse ASR I think you'll find a lot in common with a lot of folk. Welcome aboard! (Now help bail.)