The many reasons you listed as nonsensical to you are why it makes sense to me, specially that it can only be played one at the time and that it takes time. Add to that, that's a real thing that I can see, hold and 'play' with when choosing what to listen to, then get to walk up to and waste all that precious time fiddling with the bloody black thing and all the archaic superseded apparatuses involved in converting those vibrations into sound waves...I'm a member of a couple of reddit audiophile threads where people post pictures of their rigs and most of the time they include turntables...LP's on the other hand can only be played one at a time, require time, money and effort to obtain and play and also require money and effort to maintain...
Does the vinyl renaissance make sense to you because it sure doesn't to me
Besides, you had it in your second line, the word 'include' so it's not either or, I have both options.
How many times have you started a track on Youtube only to click on something else and ended up listening or even watching something completely unrelated? With vinyl, that's harder to impossible unless you count watching it spin which you may find relaxing and perhaps should give it a go.
Another reason is that I listen to a lot of old stuff that precedes digital, which to me makes sense to hear closer to how the people that created that sound were hearing it at the time, this may not make any sense to you.