You gotta be a rabid vinyl fan to scan the internet for all vinyl related data, old and new, like Matt does. Real-time scanning, and posting things here within the hour of their appearance online. That's a full-time obsession. Obsession is also not the kind of mindset that leads to balanced POVs. As we have seen in this thread alone, in 400 generally-extended posts and probably only getting warmed up.
So, today it's
"Oh look everyone, somebody just bought their first record player and here's what they said online about it!! Allow me to generalise!"
Oh. Seriously. Like we didn't already know that the sales revival is driven by innocent babes who know
nothing about vinyl except it's cool and hip, and they feel every bit as cool and hip listening to a record as a Kardashian fan bathing in some bath oil that KK promoted. "
Best bath oil evva! 5 clicks out of 5!"
Cue extended monological re-debate from Matt about the inappropriateness of the use of the word 'hip' and the implied labelling of the hip-ee with
that label-that-must-not-be-used-even-though-it-accurately-describes-one-who-seeks-to-be-hip.
Or something else. Whatever.