I'm actually pretty uncomfortable with that, because - let's be honest here - who among us is actually qualified to critique the contemporary practice of theoretical physics? I think she actually is, but precious few people in her audience are prepared to judge whether her critiques are fair.
I think she's identified (as many others have, for years) a very big problem in academia with regard to perverse incentives around publishing and funding. However, I have a feeling that's she's unfairly singling out theoretical physics for this, i.e. blaming the wrong people. The physicists didn't come up with this system of perverse incentives, MBAs infiltrating academia and potato-IQ politicians did.
What's problematic about her critiques is they get traction in the press with people who have a general anti-science stance in the first place, they will point to her content as evidence that science as a whole is a fraud and waste of money, which as I'm sure we'll agree here, it very much isn't. Science in the US is already under-funded and abused as it is, I don't think her screeds about theoretical physics will make any of the problems she's identified anything but worse.