The other thing that might be worth doing is a spectral analysis of the noise that is escaping. This does not need to be fancy. You can do this two ways: either compare the spectrum of noise inside the building and out, or do a sweep (REW can do this, or there's sweeps online) inside and out. The aim is to work out what frequencies are escaping. As a hint, bass is the hardest to stop: the only thing that stops it is mass, lots of. This is why you can often hear the disco down the road from some distance as thumps. If you generate white noise inside, outside it should fall off in roughly a straight line from bass to treble. If there are any bumps there is more sound leaking at that frequency (same applies to sweeps, should be a straight line falling off with frequency). Of course it never is, but you can get a clue to what the problem is from this. If there's bass lumps, tough, more mass needed. If middle, then there may be something resonating which can be damped. If high, it's a leak. This is very approximate of course. Good luck again.