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Are you a headphone or speaker user?

Which way do you consume your music?

  • I mostly use speakers.

    Votes: 238 53.6%
  • I mostly use headphones.

    Votes: 109 24.5%
  • I use headphones and speakers equally.

    Votes: 97 21.8%

  • Total voters
I used headphones a lot more when I was younger, which may explain the tinnitus. With headphones, the ringing in my ears and the music are in the same space, but with speakers it's easier to ignore the ringing.

That said, my 650s sound fantastic with the Magni 3.
I used to be a strictly speakers guy (electrostats) but the last 10 years or so more a headphone guy for practical reasons.
I always find headphones very uncomfortable for longer periods, so 99% speakers here. Headphones are great when I just need to hear a specific part of a mix, though!
Strictly 'speakers only. I use headphones for monitoring during live recordings when 'speakers aren't possible, but that's pretty much it.

I find headphones totally unsatisfactory for music reproduction as in real life, music doesn't happen inside one's head, but out in front, or all around.

I've tried binaural and dummy head recordings, and they don't work for me, as they fail to localise outside the head. I haven't tried the Smyth system, and that might change my view on headphones, but as things stand, I'd rather listen on a portable radio than even the best headphones.

music doesn't happen inside one's head, but out in front, or all around.

I've tried binaural and dummy head recordings, and they don't work for me, as they fail to localise outside the head.

Amen .... It takes time getting used to headphone. I had to and had to accept the loss of spatial sound but in return got excellent sound quality for affordable prices but.. indeed inside the head. So used to it now it doesn't bother me in the least any more. It did during the 'transition'
Speakers, headphones only when speakers are not available. I used to use headphones a bit to avoid disturbing others but now the children have gone and my spouse has her room, for TV, and I mine, for music, never needed any more.
Both, although it depends on my location.
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Speakers, 100% of the time for serious listening, and about 98% of the time for all listening (2% is single ear of a stereo BT headphone set for youtube videos, podcasts, etc while at work or working around the house). Headphones just don't give me the feels in the same way, and any music I fell in love with on headphones in college has a whole new life on speakers these days.
95% speakers here, only use headphones out of necessity, or occasionnally when I'm tired of always hearing the same room/speaker effects messing with the music.
98% speakers. I hate headphones, specially plugs.
Speakers...everywhere... I like a space filled with music.
Both but only cause I don't have the luxury of an isolated room to listen at levels I'd like, if I could eliminate headphones from my life I would. That being said I have a renewed fondness for headphones recently with changes in my DAC/Amp.
Speakers whenever possible, headphones only if not practical for speaker listening. Even then, most of the time I will find something else to do. Headphones are interesting, but cannot compare to the full spectrum experience of a good audio system.
Speakers only. My small "not so great" room is horrible acoustically, but my small rental is a stand-alone casa with no shared walls. (I am curious as to how many regulars here need to use headphones to be able to turn up the volume and not disturb other people.)

In addition to enjoying being immersed in music, I have a weird psychological/behavioral trait that doesn't allow me to get lost in the music via headphones - I frequently lifted them or turned down the volume thinking I heard something that required my attention.
I am a a speaker guy forced by circumstances to listen mostly to headphones ( I have several, but the mainstays are HifiMan HE560 and HE6) . I have never been annoyed by the "music in the head" presentation but long very much for a return to full range, high accuracy speaker system in my life.
I don't listen that loud: average 80 dB SPL but peaks of 110 dB at the listening position are wished for ... Let's call it close to a requirement :). I am sure I am getting it currently and likely better with my soon to arrive "ASR Special" combo :D

I didn't vote thus .
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