He don't look happy! Too right!
Mmm, trustworthy, they better hire better actor next time...
Crazy, isn't it? One of the best things about this site is the way it has exposed many pieces of very expensive gear that simply don't perform any better than much less expensive stuff. In some cases the more expensive product is actually worse. A good example is two Hifiman headphones Amir tested recently. One was $3K and one was ~$400 IIRC. The $3K model performed, if anything, worse than the cheaper model.Oops. Measurement wise the K371 wipes the floor with this device, for what? 2% of its price?
@amirm , I appreciated the tow rope comments, very funny, but since when does the tow rope cost as much as a second hand car.....crazy times!I can't take a company seriously when they're selling $3000 tow ropes / headphone cables!
I might have to steal or borrow this for my avatar, you have a TM lor patent on this?
DMS: "These headphones will make you cry."
I find Focal Utopia to be excellent without EQ, OG Clear to be very good with most recordings, and Celestee to be good. The Focal house curve has less bass than the ASR target, and improves with EQ, but they all sound good without any EQ IME. HD800s and LCD-X are another story, and I wouldn't waste my time with Abyss.We got Focal, Abyss, and the HD800 line. All riddled with odd performance, and unusable without EQ (if you want Harmans target).
The last one left is the Meze Emyprean (I have high hopes for these, if this ever crosses Amirs desk, and performs poorly, I will never care about high end headphones ever again).
Thank youOf course not.
I don't own the rights to either of the images I slapped together in Photoshop, but you're welcome to use it as far as I'm concerned.