I’m a bit late to this review, but it’s still quite an interesting read. Thanks Amir.
I believe this headphone falls in the unique ‘olive-range’ - y’know the types of headphones that people either love and start building large plinths in honour of…or loathe it with every fibre of their being.
Personally I find the Abyss completely nonsensical. It’s uncomfortable, I can’t lie back in a sofa with it and it weighs over 600 grams. That in itself is inexcusable for a headphone imho.
Soundwise? Jazz!!! Not that jazz sounds great over this headphone (it does not!) but the whole thing just feels like a jam - what sorta happened when some pads were fitted to the cups…and we ended up with a strange headphone take on Albert Ayler.
This is why I prefer older headphone makes like fx Sennheiser; where headphones feel fully developed by people why know how to tune stuff and also know how to make something sound great without weighing in at over half a kilo. The sound also always feels intentional, y’know planned. I prefer my free jazz vibes to emanate from the music in my headphones..not from the headphones themselves.
Having said that, I still kinda dig a similar tuning from the D7200 - another olive. The Denon though is comfortable, can be driven by mice farts AND sounds much better than the Abyss.