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What you need to know about the virus in China "2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)"

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A good time to recheck the growth charts. http://nrg.cs.ucl.ac.uk/mjh/covid19/#en My State, Illinois, has been proactive in testing and was the second state to announce a total lockdown perhaps because we had only the 2nd case in the US and were therefore on notice very early. Nevertheless, our incidence is now 121/million with a daily growth rate of 25% to 35%, which puts us about even with the UK. So far our morbidity is on the low end.
Situation is definitely bad but most of the waffle houses are still open:

I went to the local shopping mall to p/u my Rx at the drug store. The mall was near empty, 6 people walking around and 2 stores open. A games store with pool tables, card games, frisbees and stuff and the other a ladies undies and sexy stuff store was open and doing business. :D
Well, arguably both are helpful in staying entertained while stuck at home. ;)
Los médicos reclaman ante el Tribunal Supremo medidas de protección a Sanidad
[Spanish] https://www.elmundo.es/ciencia-y-salud/salud/2020/03/25/5e7a55e2fc6c837e0f8b45bd.html

Doctors claim before the Supreme Court measures to protect Health

[ The State Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM) with representation throughout Spain has filed a lawsuit before the Contentious-administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court against the Ministry of Health. The representatives of the doctors blame the Ministry for failing to fulfill its obligation to provide health professionals with the necessary protective material to carry out their work safely and to reduce the risk of possible infection with the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The lawsuit states that the dictates of the World Health Organization regarding the protection of doctors and health professionals as a whole are being violated. Therefore, the confederation of medical unions requests the Supreme Court to immediately urge the Ministry of Health to deliver the necessary material so that professionals can work with guarantees. In short, they ask for some very precautionary measures to which the court must respond in the coming days... ]
To remember:
Coronavirus: España tiene 5.400 sanitarios infectados, un 40% más en un día
[Spanish] https://www.redaccionmedica.com/sec...-400-sanitarios-infectados-40-mas-un-dia-5936

Coronavirus: Spain has 5,400 infected health workers, 40% more in one day

Without sufficient protection material for the criminal negligence of those responsible for the different Spanish public administrations.
Talked to Audio Buddy tonight,

He works at NAPA (auto parts) as a delivery driver, part time, he's 70.

They are deemed to be an "essential business" at this time.

They cut the hours of the part timers some.

There are tape stripes and traffic cones on the floor in the store to keep customers separated from the sales clerks.

All the employees have to wear gloves.

When he delivers, he puts the part someplace (commercial deliveries to repair and dealer shops) and takes a picture, no receipt signing.

Customers can't use the bathroom at the office.

There might be more, that's all I remember right now.


He has a grandson that is developmentally delayed somehow. He started his first day of school (I think he's 4), and they shut down the school the next day. Very disappointing for the mother who thought she was going to finally get a break...

His wife is a recently retired ICU nurse, probably won't get a call to work, but, who knows.

Wife's mother is 101 years old and lives alone across town in an old non-airconditioned house now surrounded by McMansions.

Whoa, there she is on GoogleMaps

Why don't you move South maty?
The Catalan government has been pressing for a total lock down for some time. It's Madrid that wants to drag this whole sorry business out.
I'm not quite sure why you have this anti Catalan agenda but it would help if you had your facts right.

Un epidemiólogo alerta del daño del Govern y sus científicos: "Es activismo pandémico"
[Spanish] https://www.elconfidencial.com/espa...orta-manifiesto-activismo-cientifico_2515724/

An epidemiologist warns of the damage of the Government and its scientists: "It is pandemic activism"

[ Miquel Porta, researcher at the Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research in Barcelona (IMIM) and adjunct professor of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, has taken a step forward to denounce the "indecent and very harmful use" that the independence movement is making the situation, using the collaboration of specialists who agitate public opinion "to facilitate their personal and political agendas." ... ]

[ The problem, according to this renowned epidemiologist and public health expert who has lectured at European and American institutions, is not disagreeing on how the Government and its associated technicians approach the pandemic. The criticism is healthy, says Porta, but there are some channels of scientific validation that the signatories of this manifesto "have skipped showing great pride", thus generating suspicions within the population about the work of the professionals in charge of this crisis. Technical profiles that Catalonia requires political measures based on its own study that has not passed the usual filters of the international scientific community, and that the Government brandishes as irrefutable proof that Madrid [Spain Governement] is doing everything wrong... ]
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El duro testimonio de un periodista [de 26 años] de la Cope contagiado: "Este virus parece preparado para matar"
[Spanish] https://www.huffingtonpost.es/entry...shock-es-durisimo_es_5e7a29a4c5b62f90bc51f73a

The hard testimony of a cope journalist [26 year-old] infected: "This virus seems prepared to kill"

[ All this, underlines, despite being 26 years old, not smoking and not having previous pathologies. The young man claims he started having a fever (38.2) and a headache. After a few days he thought he was getting better but suddenly he said he started having trouble breathing... ]
An article that made a splash locally and beyond
and a bombshell follow-up (not translated yet) giving the broader perspective on the crisis, "how bad science became a religion"

Raoult's protocol

· Pour tous les patients infectés, dont un grand nombre peu symptomatiques ont des lésions pulmonaires au scanner, de proposer au plus tôt de la maladie, dès le diagnostic :
– un traitement par l’association hydroxychloroquine (200 mg x 3 par jour pour 10 jours) + Azithromycine (500 mg le 1er jour puis 250 mg par jour pour 5 jours de plus), dans le cadre des précautions d’usage de cette association (avec notamment un électrocardiogramme à J0 et J2), et hors AMM. Dans les cas de pneumonie sévère, un antibiotique à large spectre est également associé.

So, for all infected patients, symptomatic or not (unless you want to scan them all), immediately hydroxycholoroquine + azithromycine, with the "usual precautions" which include, among other things, two ECGs. Add large specter antibiotics if severe pneumonia is diagnosed (Rx/scanner).

While it may be the best therapeutic option (we'll know soon enough, or at least, very much faster than we have ever known anything in that field), it isn't especially easy to deploy at a large scale and it is very far from what the public does with chloroquine right now (when they take the correct form :cool::cool:).

Raoult may be totally correct, and I would be extremely happy if he is, but the issue is far from simple.

Bottom line: in crisis situations, everyone yells at everyone for every reason. Everyone has its favorite conspiracy theory.
Here's what the "pro" summary said here (2018, took a pre Corona edition). The QT issue is why ECGs are required. Full blood panels as well.
The "R" at the right after the dose and before the price means that it is available on prescription only. Remember, this is pre-corona, outside of Buzin jurisdiction, not linked to any potential conspiracy back then.

If you give hydroxychloroquine to 60 millions, or if 60 millions start to automedicate just in case, rest assured that "rare" complications will become an severe issue. And don't forget to start hoarding those ECG machines and queue to get your regular full blood panels...

La Generalitat calcula fins a 13.000 morts pel coronavirus
El confinament duraria fins al maig-juny
[Catalan] https://societat.e-noticies.cat/la-...ins-a-13000-morts-pel-coronavirus-129883.html

The Generalitat estimates up to 13,000 deaths from coronavirus
The confinement would last until May-June



[ Another aspect that is taken into account in this is the real situation of the 878 UCI beds that are located all over Catalonia. The journalist states that "if there are 668 occupied by patients with Covid19, 76%." "Are some hospitals above 90% and even 100%?" ]

878 ICU beds, must be the sum of public and private hospitals, I say.

[ The director of e-news, Xavier Rius, has sent a tweet to Catalonia Morning Radio in case they could be asked about this document to the Minister of Health, Alba Vergés, in the interview at 08:30. Mònica Terribas has not asked. ]


La Generalidad prevé 120.000 infectados y 13.000 muertos dentro de un mes sólo en Cataluña
[Spanish] https://www.elespanol.com/espana/po...muertos-dentro-solo-cataluna/477452473_0.html

The Generalitat foresees 120,000 infected and 13,000 dead within a month in Catalonia alone
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An article that made a splash locally and beyond
and a bombshell follow-up (not translated yet) giving the broader perspective on the crisis, "how bad science became a religion"
Good post.
It's partly the result of a poorly educated population reliant on the Internet and devoid of the ability to think critically.
Unfortunately we pick our politicians from this pool. There is some truth in the saying that people who want to be in politics are probably the least suitable for the job.
It's a strange thing that if you show people graphs or numbers they accept them without ever questioning how such data was assembled.
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