Most people here are not scientists and I firmly believe that majority is not that interested in minute details of scientific theory. If one is mostly interested in practical applications then there are less new groundbreaking things to discuss day to day.
I have seen this happen in other hobbyist forums as well: a lot of discussions is started by new people who cannot be bothered to read previous discussions or won't use few hours to understand the basics which would reduce the number of useless questions. Old farts might get frustrated time to time, "not this shit again", but it's just the way it is in internet.
People who are interested in bodybuilding type of training might notice eerily similar questions in those forums: "is it better to do three sets of six or four sets of eight in squats?", "should I use whey concentrate or isolate in my recovery drink?", "what exercise targets my upper mid pectoral muscles the best?". You
could approach these questions scientifically and going through dozens of papers you might reach a conclusion that one or the other is probably 1-2% more effective in certain conditions but in real world it makes no difference at all, countless other variables make those aforementioned things appear as just useless noise and for this reasons old guys might just tell newbies to just fkn lift weights, eat and rest for a few years first and forget about the rest.
You also have the subjectivists there who claim some new type of bicep exercise combined with some herb caused their arms to blow up two inches in a month. Asking for measurements gets you the same response as from power cable hobbyists "just try it yourself, those guys in lab coats don't know anything about real world".