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      BKr0n replied to the thread In need of a builder....
      No decision will be made without a spec sheet. Did they give a time frame? Or just Soon(tm)?
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      BKr0n replied to the thread In need of a builder....
      Guess I need to build a box then first before I build the MTM enclosure. Almost only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades :p Jk...
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      BKr0n reacted to kemmler3D's post in the thread In need of a builder... with Like Like.
      At this point we are getting into stiffness vs. strength and stuff which I am aware of, but only to the extent that I don't know how it...
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      BKr0n replied to the thread In need of a builder....
      Density usually provides that greater rigidity. In this specific instance, I just need a material that will allow me to make a small...
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      BKr0n replied to the thread In need of a builder....
      Main reason I chose those was mainly for vibration etc. If I use a denser material then I won't have to worry nearly as much. Now, I am...
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      BKr0n replied to the thread In need of a builder....
      Yup that's the idea. That way I can line the enclosure with whatever (more than likely some CLD and some fluff... no room for foam) and...
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      BKr0n replied to the thread In need of a builder....
      So here's how I think I'm going to do the MTM enclosure. Because of the wave guide on the front, it's going to have to be mounted from...
      • Screenshot (417).png
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      BKr0n reacted to terryforsythe's post in the thread In need of a builder... with Like Like.
      I tend to use Linkwitz-Riley for audio. Butterworth sometimes works well. A 4th order Linkwitz-Riley is a cascade of two 2nd order...
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      BKr0n reacted to terryforsythe's post in the thread In need of a builder... with Like Like.
      Here is a comparison of Linkwitz-Riley vs Butterworth. Butterworth sums to add +3dB at the crossover frequency. Linkwitz-Riley sums to...
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      BKr0n replied to the thread In need of a builder....
      What I meant was impulse response. Typically higher order filters in the analog domain have a chance to have a spike in them. A great...
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      BKr0n replied to the thread In need of a builder....
      This is what we call a design tradeoff :p I think my only concern with really high order crossover is what happens with any other...
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      BKr0n reacted to ThatSoundsGood's post in the thread In need of a builder... with Like Like.
      It's totally a case by case basis and depends heavily on the initial design. I do think that high order filters and FIR filters sound...
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      BKr0n reacted to voodooless's post in the thread In need of a builder... with Like Like.
      Just remember that steep filters are not always the best solution to lowering distortion or protecting drivers, especially with...
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      BKr0n reacted to terryforsythe's post in the thread In need of a builder... with Like Like.
      One of the significant benefits of DSP is that you can easily experiment with different settings and find what sounds best to you. I...
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      BKr0n reacted to kemmler3D's post in the thread In need of a builder... with Like Like.
      With the Hypex amps I think you owe it to yourself to experiment with steep FIR or other steep filters... after all, what's necessarily...
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