Has anyone tried equalizing the Crinacle Zero Red to be the Blue, or vice versa? It seems like it could be a fun version of "Will X sound like Y with the right EQ?". I have both on hand but I'm not skilled at EQ design.
I found these two AutoEQ parametrics, which would theoretically bring them to a similar sound (not Red=Blue):
I found these two AutoEQ parametrics, which would theoretically bring them to a similar sound (not Red=Blue):
AutoEq/results/crinacle/Bruel & Kjaer 4620 in-ear/Truthear x Crinacle Zero RED/Truthear x Crinacle Zero RED ParametricEQ.txt at master · jaakkopasanen/AutoEq
Automatic headphone equalization from frequency responses - jaakkopasanen/AutoEq
AutoEq/results/crinacle/Bruel & Kjaer 4620 in-ear/Truthear Zero/Truthear Zero ParametricEQ.txt at master · jaakkopasanen/AutoEq
Automatic headphone equalization from frequency responses - jaakkopasanen/AutoEq