500+ Head-Fier
the actual difference is small. As a reviewer to say there is a notable difference is a relative thing.
In other words, if you had one of these and never heard the other, there would be nothing you hear via DSD playback that would make you say anything but, 'this sounds great'.
I am convinced the E70V is the better sounding DAC overall. And that is the one I would buy.
I find that the E70 ESS version also benefits from upconversion to DSD512. Or upconvert to DSD256. DACs have a problem sometimes with 512fs and faster. It requires the onboard logic to run superfast and lowers fidelity in some cases.
And as a general manner, I think DSD64 really has too much ultrasonic noise that starts rising at too low a frequency. Some DACs handle it fine, but I find that most DACs benefit upconverting DSD64.
I wouldn't worry about it. The E70V is an overall better sounding DAC. If you already have one and like it, I think you would be a bit disappointed going with the E70 instead.
Im complaining about the FIR filter being set so low on DSD. Its an academic argument, really. In real world listening, I would recommend the E70V everytime."