Nice. I am currently listening on Topping D30 -> SMSL SP200 -> Arya. It is tempting to buy this and go balanced but I highly doubt I could hear the difference so I would just be burning money.
As a sneak peak, you could get some of the Monoprice RCA --> XLR cables which should cost you about 34 dB less... I don't generally trust the combination of 3-pin IEC power jack and RCA inputs (as seen on the SP200) very much. Do you hear any ground loop noises when turning up the volume?
I don't think most people
need a DAC in this class - just for listening, you could probably spend 6 dB less for a Schiit Modius or similar or ~10 dB less for a trusty Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Gen3 and be just as happy, just as long as it's got balanced out and performs at least decently with some half-decent output level, so maybe not a Behringer UMC202HD. (
Topping's upcoming little DAC would be more than fine, too.) I mean, you've got a volume control in the signal path, so even your worst-case dynamic range required may only be on the order of 110 dB, and probably 100 tops at normal volumes. DR requirements for a pure line-level DAC just aren't all that severe, otherwise people wouldn't have been happy with CD players.
If you buy a DAC that performs like the D30 Pro, you'll do it because it's
darn good and you have the money. You can still do better on
features and
flexibility (various nifty RME ADI-2 DAC FS functions come to mind, if at like +8 dB on the price tag), but certainly not on converter performance per se.
- Actual implementations of ES 9012 and 9018 do not usually live up to the data sheet claim of - 120 dB THD+N, and it might well be due to the external circuitry.
Wouldn't be the first time. If you want to get super low noise out of it, your output stage has to work pretty hard, which is detrimental to distortion performance, and maxing out both may require some extreme measures. The folks who design the analog stages in these chips have my utmost respect.
Are you planning to add the current crop, i.e. AK4490, 4493, 4499, ES 9028 and 9038, CS31131/198?
Might not be the worst idea, I'm most of the way there anyway. I was already considering the AK4490. Give it some time, this took up a substantial part of my day as-is.