I'm guessing this has been discussed before here but my search Kung-Fu is apparently not up to snuff. I'll frame this question as follows:
The rankings show that, with EQ and Sub, the $100 Polk XT15 and $75 Micca RB42 perform slightly better than the $5000
Dutch Dutch 8C. I'm wondering if anyone has subjective experience that supports (or contradicts) this sort of phenomenon, i.e., that with proper sub support and EQ, there are inexpensive speakers (ostensibly using much lower quality components) that sound as good or better than very expensive speaker built (again, ostensibly) much higher quality components??
The rankings show that, with EQ and Sub, the $100 Polk XT15 and $75 Micca RB42 perform slightly better than the $5000
Dutch Dutch 8C. I'm wondering if anyone has subjective experience that supports (or contradicts) this sort of phenomenon, i.e., that with proper sub support and EQ, there are inexpensive speakers (ostensibly using much lower quality components) that sound as good or better than very expensive speaker built (again, ostensibly) much higher quality components??