Nice, I think these kind of videos are crucial for newbies that visit this site, especially if they are in an easy to find prominent position when they first come to the site. I recommended this site to someone recently, and when I asked them a week later what they thought to it they answered that they thought it "was over their head" and "they didn't know who to believe" amongst all the opinions. So videos like this are useful for newbies, but I think they need to be put in a prominent position so anyone who lands here can quickly & easily see where they need to go to find explanations on how to understand the various elements of reviews, whether they be DACS / amps / headphones / speakers.
EDIT: in fact maybe it would be good if there was a seperate tab right at the top of the page that was entitled as something like one of the following: "Instructional Videos" / "Tutorials" / "How to understand this site" / "How to understand the technicalities" / "Confused? Look here" / "Confused about the Technical Elements, look here" / "Technical Explanations" / "Technical Fundamentals" / "I don't understand this site? Click Here".....whatever, it could be described as whatever makes the most sense to the most people, but you could put in an extra tab at the top of the site so newbies can instantly see where they need to go for explanations:
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