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Schiit Magnius Balanced Headphone Amp Review

It's not pseudo marketing; it's just marketing. I really don't see anything even slightly objectionable about it. They are cooperating to try to give potential customers and readers accurate information about a new product. Marketing at its best.

Schiit is confident it will pass ASR's tough objective muster; maybe they considered ASR's unique SINAD spec. when they designed this. If so, that's good. I value that spec.

I appreciate @T.M.Noble sharing resources and insight, facilitating the availability of information when it is most valuable. I don't think a $200 unit is compromising the integrity of the review. @amirm can have a review that is much more valuable too, because virtually everyone who buys the product will be able to read the review first; rather than only those who buy it a couple weeks or more after launch.

As others have mentioned in this thread, this product looks like another part of what makes this such a great time for listening to music on headphones at home; another important incremental step in a recent rapid stream of inexpensive excellent-measuring DACs and headphone amps.
Steady on, I was just agreeing with a valid point. I don't think anyone's objecting to the practice. Just saying it could give some critics of the site grounds to question absolute independence.

Also, not sure SINAD is unique to ASR
Steady on, I was just agreeing with a valid point. I don't think anyone's objecting to the practice. Just saying it could give some critics of the site grounds to question absolute independence.

Also, not sure SINAD is unique to ASR
I agree, although some folks are going to question the independence no matter what (a certain other forum is convinced of an under the table business deal between Topping and ASR).
The threads I enjoy most is when someone from the manufacturer also gives their input and feedback to interesting questions. "Schiit is on my list now". Wish they were more present in Europe.
I agree, although some folks are going to question the independence no matter what (a certain other forum is convinced of an under the table business deal between Topping and ASR).

The same thing is said about Schiit and SBAF ;)
Not my opinion though.
Steady on, I was just agreeing with a valid point. I don't think anyone's objecting to the practice. Just saying it could give some critics of the site grounds to question absolute independence.

Also, not sure SINAD is unique to ASR
Fair enough. I prefer a review at launch to making critics of the site confident in absolute independence. Modius and magnius reviews should help dispell rumors of a Topping deal. I am fine with disclosures like Amir consistently provides when a manufacturer lends or gives him a unit unsolicited, when he asks to purchase one, etc. I should have clarified. SINAD is not unique, but the way Amir adds the values together for the score is unconventional. I get that there really are no universal standards for power level to calculate, etc. The point I intended to make is they may have considered making a product to the standard review process here, and if so, that would be a benefit, not cheating.
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Hey! Would you guys know why Schiit lists this as “Maximum Power, 50 ohms: 3.2W RMS per channel” on their spec sheet, but amir’s measurements show it as 4.2W on 50 ohms?
I would trust this site over any other reviewer or publication!
Agree. There are lots of reviewers I like, but few I trust and none I trust more than @amirm I was really pleased to learn about the launch here and read the review before ordering. I had basically made up my mind to buy the next balanced Schiit HPA in advance.I had a line for "Magnius" on my budget. Of course I didnt know if it would be what it is or a DAC combo with a better modius type DAC card or something else. It shipped today and should be here Wednesday. I couldn't be happier with my experience and the process so far.
Hey! Would you guys know why Schiit lists this as “Maximum Power, 50 ohms: 3.2W RMS per channel” on their spec sheet, but amir’s measurements show it as 4.2W on 50 ohms?
It can put out 4.2, but it is a bad idea to use it that way so they rate it lower, probably pushing the amp, and in the test here, Amir's ears and headphones. I am sure it performs more acurately within spec too. There is not a standard point at which amp performance has degraded enough to say it is at max power. It is a judgement call based on the curve where distortion increases as output increases. Schiit must have judged it relatively conservatively.
There is not a standard point at which amp performance has degraded enough to say it is at max power. It is a judgement call based on the curve where distortion increases as output increases. Schiit must have judged it relatively conservatively.

That’s got to be it. Thanks!
It's not pseudo marketing; it's just marketing. I really don't see anything even slightly objectionable about it. They are cooperating to try to give potential customers and readers accurate information about a new product. Marketing at its best.

I don't see anything intrinsically wrong with manufacturers sending things in either, but it can be misleading when they pick and choose what gear to send in. This can give a biased view of a company's engineering.

For example, unless I'm mistaken, Schiit has not sent in a Bifrost 2 to measure . (My guess is likely due to abysmal IMD and multitone measurements.) So they get the "halo" effect from good measurements of gear like the Modi 3, Modius, Magnius, etc., while avoiding a negative halo from some of their other gear.
I see your point, however, I think it's just about customer targeting.
Previously, they weren't selling good measurements, but "good sound", something purely subjective.
Now, they'r aiming (with these products) good measurements, a completely different kind of customers.
So according to this, sending one to Amir is just obvious.

Edit: My apologies if my English hurt you eyes, from here its afternoon, and today "afternoon" mean "sleepy "
I don't see anything intrinsically wrong with manufacturers sending things in either, but it can be misleading when they pick and choose what gear to send in. This can give a biased view of a company's engineering.

For example, unless I'm mistaken, Schiit has not sent in a Bifrost 2 to measure . (My guess is likely due to abysmal IMD and multitone measurements.) So they get the "halo" effect from good measurements of gear like the Modi 3, Modius, Magnius, etc., while avoiding a negative halo from some of their other gear.

If you're a specs guy then never buy a model that hasn't been measured here first. I realize that new or upgraded models by Topping and other companies are going to be different, hopefully better, than earlier models. That's why I come to this site.
Sound like an accusation xD.
I'm not saying they don't have a reputation to take back, but c'mon.
Yes they sell products with bad measurements, bit its not like they said that they have the best, did they?
Sound like an accusation xD.
I'm not saying they don't have a reputation to take back, but c'mon.
Yes they sell products with bad measurements, bit its not like they said that they have the best, did they?
What I was saying is that I don't think companies would really do cherry picking. It's too much of an risk to do that.
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