Of course, I do not have measurements confirming that the joint use of 5 kOhm at the output and 10 kOhm at the input leads to certain problems, but personally I could not normally coexist with such a configuration - for the reason that the difference in resistances is clearly done for a reason (besides, in this the forum describes a list of possible problems because of this), and I have not met any measurements confirming the opposite either (the point is that the quoted quote is just someone's words), so I would feel worried about this. There is a general rule of 1:10 (and more) - and I do not understand why it is necessary to violate it for the sake of the Schiit brand, especially since with a $200 cheaper device, such compromises will not have to be made.
Thus, I still can't find any other use for the passive mode, except for beautiful measurements.