OK but the big issue is that (1) they are not digitized (A/D) and, consequently, do not require conversion to analog (D/A) in the Marantz.
That is my belief, derived from the service manual's block diagrams and confirmed by D+M support, but doubted by RichB and I because of our questions on the availability of some basic bass management even in pure direct mode except when the MCH analogs are used.
To me, it
seems that the only logical explanation is that D+M has a hidden feature, that the software/firmware has a smart, such that regardless of the 3 modes (stereo, direct, pure direct), if the subwoofer is "On", the analog signal path will be routed through the ADC, if not, then in direct or pure direct mode, it will be routed directly to the volume IC, that is, bypassing the ADC path. So to summarize:
Stereo mode - signals from analog inputs will be routed to the ADC, then DAC, but it may (as indicated in Amir's measurements) still bypass the ADC if subwoofers are selected to "none". I speculate this part only because of the ASR measurements, that clearly exceed the ADC chip's specs, only Amir can confirm is he in fact has measured in Stereo mode with no subwoofer (selected none...?)
Direct/Pure direct - signal from analog inputs would be routed directly to the volume IC, but would revert back to the ADC/DAC path if the subwoofer output is selected to be "On" and bass management is used.
Again, above is just my speculation. Marantz response is simply:
"Looking at the Analog Audio Block in the 7705's service manual it appears that an analog input signal while in Direct or Pure Direct mode does bypass the DSP and there's no ADC/DAC at that point. The signal is sent to 2 independent switches, then to the volum eIC and finally to the HDAM module before it goes to the pre-out section."
For your AV8805, even if you use the MCH analog inputs I highly doubt you would do any better in terms of SINAD because the AK4490 DAC and volume IC are not the bottle neck as Dr. Rich of hometheaterhifi.com alluded to. One logical explanation for the good but not too impressive SINAD measurements could be (and Dr. Rich did gently hinted) that the HDAM might have been the contributor. To me, that is highly likely to be the case, it would be very difficult for a discrete buffer circuit with no fewer that 10 transistors on board, for each channel at such price point to out perform a reasonably well design volume IC such as the NJU72343. To me, the HDAM implementation may make sense in their integrated amps, but in the last stage of the preamp as implemented in the AV8805, 8802 and their AVRs, it has to be for marketing reasons only. Their design team must know that while such an extra discrete circuit based buffer cannot turn the tide at the end stage if its own distortions+noise could only be added to the hardware such as the DAC and vol IC preceded it. That's just simple logic. It likely would help maintaining SINAD at higher output levels, depending on the input impedance of the matching power amps, while again, adding THD+N of its own, however minute the effect may be.
Purely based on logic, in terms of SINAD for RCA output up to around 2.5 to 3V, that is 6 V for XLR, I would boldly predict the Denon AVR-X8500H is actually the best AVP in the D+M line up, not the real AVP, the AV8805. That's because for all intents and purposes, aside from the XLR connections, the signal paths of the two are technically the same, but the Denon will not have the extra THD+N introduced by the HDAM.