To be honest I've got terrible experience from B1+. I was recommended to go with them or Chane's one and did choose Emotiva. I end up with quite a bad product with a lot of resonances here and there. Then I decided to get bunch of Pioneers, did initial mod of BS22s and compared BS22, B1+ and Modded BS22 at the same time. Comparing original Pioneers with B1+ was easy. They definitely worse in clarity and details (ignoring resonances here). Comparing Dennis mod for BS22 and B1+ was easy as well. Modded BS22s had no "coloring", good stage, pretty clear but not highlighted details. When I've tried to communicate to Emotiva that they either have issues with all the speakers (my concerns was about resonances around 80Hz with grill on and around ~900-1000Hz with the main freq around 480Hz) or I just got a bad ones. They promised to update me in regards of the harmonics of ~480Hz but I've got no response, they just refunded and that's it. So at that moment I've got the idea that they agreed. Now seeing all the measurements from Amir I do see the proof of the problem and, damn, this port resonance was quite audible ;(