The waveguide allows crossing the tweeter lower, I remember he mentioned that in one the YouTube videos. If it increases the distortion,
His waveguide was to achieve the drivers acoustic center. Some people do it by extending the mids in a 3 way forward and others
like Danny push the tweeter back. The problem for me is the low XO point in speakers like the Super 7 and the NX.
If you cross at say 1800 or even 2500 what driver is carrying most of the load? A single rated 15RMS - 25MAX watt driver. If you turn them up you have a
pretty good chance of blowing that 15watt driver.
The GB driver he uses are proprietary to his builds. I've seen that driver out of stock a few times. So do you wait, use a different driver or something even
more reasonable like a cross at 4500 or even 6Khz with the Super 7s. The Neo 10s were good to an easy 10khz. Even GSRs Neo 10s rated to 8khz.
I've followed Danny for a long time. His formulas are straight out of a book. The problem is who wrote the book? I owned a few of his speaker designs
they sound fine, but they would sound a LOT better considering the type of driver he was actually using in the LS6 and definitely the Super 7s. I've
never heard the LS9s but the inside joke was in the mock-up of the LS9 and used duct tape. He had a heck of a mess to clean up.
The WHOLE time he was slamming VMPS Brian Cheney (a very good friend of mine) about his speakers that were literally selling 100 to 1 (ONE) of GR
kits. There were no assembled kit at the time. You can still read the VMPS vs GR back and forth between Danny and Brian in the Audio Circle Archive.
The best idea Danny had was a collaboration with Rhythmic and the OB servos kits with cabinets by Jay, plates by Rhythmic, and drivers by wherever
Danny had them made.
BTW VMPS MADE their own sub and bass drivers in shop with one of a kind "sharkskin" WCF, added ferrite (double or single), and magnetized them.
You could see through the fabric. Then the (wooden) phase plugs were custom-cut to length for the application to decrease back wave distortion.
They were EASY to drive and extremely difficult to blow. I know I've glued at least a dozen (10-12") phase plugs back on. RM40s, passive subs
and my RMx Elixirs.
Danny still sells fix it kit for VMPS. 626Rs. The problem is 99% don't need fixing if you know how Brian made XOs. They were exclusive to that pair
of speakers, you couldn't even swap left and right The speakers were SPL gain match per driver complement. Danny never seemed to get that part.
No two neo drivers matched, that I saw anyway. The tweeters were matched just like the mids panels at .5% but without resistors. Round ACG3s (?)
History goes a long way with Danny if you followed him from the start. He's a salesman, BUT he does build his own. How many actually build
their own speakers? I do and have for 50 years. 102 or 103 pairs now. Brian (VMPS) used to help me with my XO builds and he showed me how to match
speaker to speaker with planars and Strathearn ribbon driver builds. It's not easy building speaker cabinets with analog tools. I had better luck with
kitchen cabinets.
The whole tube connectors thing has an inside joke too. He was bragging about the lower measured resistance, come to find out the batteries were
bad in his DMM. 101 mechanics KNOW to check the batteries in your DMM before the road call, not after a 2,000 dollar part was ordered and shipped from
wherever. I've seen that one 100 times if I've seen it once.