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New product - SMSL AO300

To get rid of the pop noise and the auto turn off if you are using it trough USB you have to in the xmos driver application change the streaming setting to “always on” which you can do by following this: https://hifive.sg/index.php?threads/xmos-driver-setting.2796/
There is also already a firmware update released on smsl website that may fix some things. I myself am getting my AO300 soon so I hope these things work :)
Just as a heads up SMSL have a restriction on the firmware update to Windows only. Its not possible to use MacOS for the update of the firmware.
Do you know how to check the firmware version on my device? I have tried to upgrade firmware, but something probably went wrong.
Do you know how to check the firmware version on my device? I have tried to upgrade firmware, but something probably went wrong.
I dont think there is a way of finding out the firmware version on the amp itself but it ships presently with Firmware version 1.0. Does not the updater from SMSL display the update version in windows of the amp?
I will let others try those out, mine has been returned.

My experience with pretty much everything, if it comes with issues from beginning, rarely it ever gets resolved later with firmware updates.
this overview sounds very sponsored. Not a single critique, observation, only praise.
One4 of the comments hits these devices right in the head:
Do you want to know how tinittus sounds like, then get this device.

That is EXACTLY how I would describe the buss it makes. It must be the amplification stage that is just not well executed.
No, you are wrong. I’ve several, in different systems, and they are great. Sorry it didn’t work for you, I’ve ordered a third. Easy match w/subs. Plenty of power for any of the half dozen plus speakers I’ve tried. Really great tonal balance, eArc sounds superb. Pretty much portable. Really nice dac and amp implementation. U either received a defective unit, or your implementation is bonkers. That Loxjie product looks interesting, perhaps try that, better price plus phono. id bet it’s your crappy implementation… (-;
this overview sounds very sponsored. Not a single critique, observation, only praise.
One4 of the comments hits these devices right in the head:
Do you want to know how tinittus sounds like, then get this device.

That is EXACTLY how I would describe the buss it makes. It must be the amplification stage that is just not well executed.
I personally wouldn't rate the A0300 that highly admittedly for bass heavy music, Rock, Electro Blues, Afro, Reggae, Hip Hop etc. I still find the A0300 on the thin side and my Aiyima YJCO 3255X sounds fuller and vocally less veiled. I compared the two with Netflix via Google TV and the Samsung CU8000 and the Ayima comes out on top with the Muses 8820d op amps installed. I would also say that the reviewer on here whom said the Aiyima D03 sounds better maybe right but it has been along time since I owned DO3 so I couldn't verify that claim. At first I was impressed with AO300 but after a few hours I found the Aiyima equally as good with maybe a little less separation in the instruments and pin pointing but as good as that accuracy is with the AO300 is I found the lack of bass difficult to settle with using the Aux with the Topping E50 which does provide a little more detail than the on board dac. That is my biggest gripe with the AO300 but it is not a deal breaker by any means. It just does not have any bass comparably to the TI3255 chip based amps that I have. This is the only characteristic I still do not like with the current rendition of the Infineon chips, their distinct lack of any fuller bodied bass presence, they do have great targeting qualities where instruments are concerned but personally I cannot sacrifice my bass for that alone although the bass is fair and balanced none the less. Even the SDB eq setting is nowhere near the result I have with my Aiyima YJCO 3255X fitted with Muses 8820d op amps and those op amps don't even dig as deep as their brother the 8920d but the Tone setting on the A0300 is better and I found better results with the bass using it. So in short I think SMSL are not the problem, Infineon are closer to the trouble and if they could design a chip that retains the qualities of the model used in the AO300 and somehow fill out and extend the low frequencies then yes it would be a very agreeable chip but alas are not for the bass heads like myself imo. Maybe if we could slice the top off the Infineon chip and stick it to the lower half of the TI3255 we would have the better heavy music chip. I like the more soothing, full, smoother bass of the TI3255 whereas the Infineon is what some would say as tight or well controlled but I just find it stunted, short and almost childish in comparison, just not fully grown bass...sort of falling over mid race and not quite reaching the finishing line. So value for money then I would recommend the Aiyima YJCO 3255X (currently less than £100 on Ali Express) and replace the 5 x JRC 5532 op amps with 5 X Muses 8820D or 8920d for less than £30 and have a far more organic fuller sounding amp especially if you like bass centric music. It won't quite give you the instrumental accuracy of the AO300 but once swapping back to the Aiyima from the AO300 that was something I really do not miss unlike the bass of the 3255X and this amp with the Muses 8820d gives plenty of clarity and detail too. Just my 2 cents on owning and paying for both of these amps from my own pocket.
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That’s funny. Matched w/Zu’s & ADS 10’s, Daedalus pair of 8’s, no issues at all w/the bass, and I’ve Denafrips and Yamaha 2000, to compare. Easy sub integration, turn it up, or adjust through its bass management function. That Aiyana must be a beast or the opamps like magic beans. Oh yeah, put a decent power cord on it, if you believe in such. You may be surprised…
That’s funny. Matched w/Zu’s & ADS 10’s, Daedalus pair of 8’s, no issues at all w/the bass, and I’ve Denafrips and Yamaha 2000, to compare. Easy sub integration, turn it up, or adjust through its bass management function. That Aiyana must be a beast or the opamps like magic beans. Oh yeah, put a decent power cord on it, if you believe in such. You may be surprised…
I have. I use a Belden cord with Furutech heads and against all skeptics including myself the difference is audible when compared to stock cables from sellers but then that really wouldn't be hard to achieve these days.
That’s funny. Matched w/Zu’s & ADS 10’s, Daedalus pair of 8’s, no issues at all w/the bass, and I’ve Denafrips and Yamaha 2000, to compare. Easy sub integration, turn it up, or adjust through its bass management function. That Aiyana must be a beast or the opamps like magic beans. Oh yeah, put a decent power cord on it, if you believe in such. You may be surprised…
Don't get me wrong, the AO300 is a very nice amp but for more bass heavy stuff it falls short in my house. It's a bit like comparing the Audiolab 6000a to the Rega Brio...anybody who knows those amps will know exactly what I am saying here. The AO300 reminds me of the Audiolab 6000a. The Aiyima YJCO 3255X is, as you say, a beast, not as loud as the AO300 but just a more natural and more full sound especially around the vocals where the 8820d does produce male vocals very well indeed with natural raspy presence often found in older singers like Leonard Cohen for example. Never the less just conversational quibble and and both amps are great and both are staying put.
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Just to note, as always in this hobby, I could be wrong. Maybe it is just the way the mids are portrayed w/body and clarity along w/so much information, I find so attractive. For me AO300 have worked w/lots of speakers, to each is own. Have a nice holiday…
Just to note, as always in this hobby, I could be wrong. Maybe it is just the way the mids are portrayed w/body and clarity along w/so much information, I find so attractive. For me AO300 have worked w/lots of speakers, to each is own. Have a nice holiday…
I have to agree. A delicious amount of musical information given with precision and space. However the low frequency does lack a little detail and heft so the room for improvement, in my opinion, is in Infineon’s hands and not SMSL.
I had to return my AO300 because when connected to the PC via USB it was clicking every time i opened a new program if there where no audio or anytime i started a playback. It was very annoying. The same problem both headphones and line output.
My C200 doesn't do that.
I think it is some issues with the sleep function of the chip with the USB drivers.
I had to return my AO300 because when connected to the PC via USB it was clicking every time i opened a new program if there where no audio or anytime i started a playback. It was very annoying. The same problem both headphones and line output.
My C200 doesn't do that.
I think it is some issues with the sleep function of the chip with the USB drivers.
EXACTKY same issue with me as well, plus the annoyinh buzz when nothing is playing.
I have actually read about that buzz on the review of A300, and on some other review of A0300, there is really not much on it, but that buzzing was mentioned.

SO, no, its not me, and its not my "crappy" implementation, as in that exact same spot, SU-1(well C100 now) + Fosi V3, there is not a single hum, buzz, or pop.

But, A0300 STILL sounds better for me, much more dynamic then the combo above, but after few days, C100+V3 sounds good enough for my usage. I just wish I didnt have to have multiple cables and multiple little metal boxes on the table. Have to hide that somehow.
When I was a younger guy, over several years, I had accumulated a pretty much full stack of Naim components. Started with the ’shoe boxes’, graduated to to the bigger stuff, NAC this and that. Expensive power supplies finally ‘broke my back’. Not much fun saving for ‘another black box’. But even though Naca5 & generic power cords were recommended as enough, I did learn ‘it’s all in the power delivery & supplies’. Somewhat regretfully, I sold thos black boxes off all around the world. The stack, on Naim racks, was beautiful and sounded really nice, but… even though the top loading cd players were divine, the only ‘playing around’ one could do was thru maybe some Chord cables. I eventually purchased a pr. of Neat Vito’s, isobarics I could barely offord to amplify properly. Beautifully built like tanks w/a gorgeous blood red finish and full on granite plinths, those things boogied like nobodies tomorrow. Wish I still owned them, as a friend has bastardized em up with older ‘digital amps’, 500 watt muster that barely bring ‘em on song, but he doesn’t even know…. He never heard ‘em play CCR like I did. I tried some Nuforce, but we all no about early digital, but those did have bass! Eventually, I ran into some guys, and as many can attest, went down the ‘rabbit hole’. I had already started to accumulate a few speakers, ProAc 1sc, Castle Conway Iii, ect…. Those I kept. Expensive hobby, no? But guys have hobbies, all guys. It can be cars, guns, drinking, golf, crack cocaine, or other women. Guys have hobbies. They all take time, attention, and money. One makes mistakes, suffers bad judgement, & hopefully searches for redemption. (Bless me father but I have purchased a ‘tube amp’, or 2, heard a SET and went ’hat the hell is that?’). Keep it fresh, stick to your guns, learn some new tricks, I say. Measure your success, repair your failures, but don’t fool yourself into believing you understand the whole game, the world is full of teachers and potholes, it’s a matter of timing and perspective. When I have listened to FKJ or Winston Surfshirt, two current favs, I am pleased, and that may be enough to be thankful. Another friend loves his Parov Stelar thru his phone, who’s to say? Excess defines the edges, richness the interior. Today Keith Richard’s live, via cassette, is enough to be thankful for, best wishes to all you ‘musical maniacs’. Perhaps that is enough, what is given, to be thankful…
And I have not yet attempted the usb c connection. I can say that if one feeds a much more expensive dac connection thru the rca’s input, the character of the dac is passed thru in an agreeable manner. The system sounds ‘better’, but I’m talking w/reclocked more costly dacs. I mean this thing only cost a bit over several hundred dollars and I can think of several systems of friends who cold benefit. I am no longer a ‘desktop’ guy, but I got a pair of Kef LS50’s sitting unused awaiting a build out. I agree unwanted noise would be a deal killer but a usb software implementation is not rocket science, though usb c seems to have questionable implementation practices.
‘Same with the eArc feature set. Time will tell.. as far as Infineon, I was more worried about its treble response. I’ve a pair of Musician Knight 1’s that gobble up power and have a tweeter sweet as sugar, best I own, a beautiful piece of gear. Nothing bad there, lightening like transients, effortless leading edge, perfect bite, no hint of glare, snappy bass. I got the Topping PA7 Plus on order so I’ll be able to do a direct comparison. I’d have to run an EL34/KT88 amp to get more bass and then it would be looser, but a fuller sound. I’ve enjoyed both. Computer, Ethernet, streaming sources introduce all sorts of variable and I’ve run a Modwright Transporter and a Roon Nuc for years. I’m interested in connecting to the Muse, not my desktop...
I had to return my AO300 because when connected to the PC via USB it was clicking every time i opened a new program if there where no audio or anytime i started a playback. It was very annoying. The same problem both headphones and line output.
My C200 doesn't do that.
I think it is some issues with the sleep function of the chip with the USB drivers.

I have actually read about that buzz on the review of A300, and on some other review of A0300, there is really not much on it, but that buzzing was mentioned.

SO, no, its not me, and its not my "crappy" implementation, as in that exact same spot, SU-1(well C100 now) + Fosi V3, there is not a single hum, buzz, or pop.

But, A0300 STILL sounds better for me, much more dynamic then the combo above, but after few days, C100+V3 sounds good enough for my usage. I just wish I didnt have to have multiple cables and multiple little metal boxes on the table. Have to hide that somehow.
This thread for you https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...os-driver-settings-for-no-cutoff-delay.25838/ It will fix a problem... Checked yesterday with my AO300
When I was a younger guy, over several years, I had accumulated a pretty much full stack of Naim components. Started with the ’shoe boxes’, graduated to to the bigger stuff, NAC this and that. Expensive power supplies finally ‘broke my back’. Not much fun saving for ‘another black box’. But even though Naca5 & generic power cords were recommended as enough, I did learn ‘it’s all in the power delivery & supplies’. Somewhat regretfully, I sold thos black boxes off all around the world. The stack, on Naim racks, was beautiful and sounded really nice, but… even though the top loading cd players were divine, the only ‘playing around’ one could do was thru maybe some Chord cables. I eventually purchased a pr. of Neat Vito’s, isobarics I could barely offord to amplify properly. Beautifully built like tanks w/a gorgeous blood red finish and full on granite plinths, those things boogied like nobodies tomorrow. Wish I still owned them, as a friend has bastardized em up with older ‘digital amps’, 500 watt muster that barely bring ‘em on song, but he doesn’t even know…. He never heard ‘em play CCR like I did. I tried some Nuforce, but we all no about early digital, but those did have bass! Eventually, I ran into some guys, and as many can attest, went down the ‘rabbit hole’. I had already started to accumulate a few speakers, ProAc 1sc, Castle Conway Iii, ect…. Those I kept. Expensive hobby, no? But guys have hobbies, all guys. It can be cars, guns, drinking, golf, crack cocaine, or other women. Guys have hobbies. They all take time, attention, and money. One makes mistakes, suffers bad judgement, & hopefully searches for redemption. (Bless me father but I have purchased a ‘tube amp’, or 2, heard a SET and went ’hat the hell is that?’). Keep it fresh, stick to your guns, learn some new tricks, I say. Measure your success, repair your failures, but don’t fool yourself into believing you understand the whole game, the world is full of teachers and potholes, it’s a matter of timing and perspective. When I have listened to FKJ or Winston Surfshirt, two current favs, I am pleased, and that may be enough to be thankful. Another friend loves his Parov Stelar thru his phone, who’s to say? Excess defines the edges, richness the interior. Today Keith Richard’s live, via cassette, is enough to be thankful for, best wishes to all you ‘musical maniacs’. Perhaps that is enough, what is given, to be thankful…
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