Hi bidn,Hi Fred,
thank you for attending me to this (because you mentioned me I received an alert).
Having been deceiving by "reviewer" several internet sites and wasted money while I was naive in the past, I personally have been very suspicious of the review-based audio advertisment industry (e.g. re. sites and reviewers which companies pay a lot of money for getting praises).
Congratulations for these good-looking graphs with a proper amplitude for the test signal!
(but, why no indication of the FFT sampling size, as others have pointed out?)
But, I am suspicious that this site is not reliable:
1. re. the internet page linked.
It show more graphs, one where the test signal is set at -20 dBFS,
and above all two where it is set at - 60 dBFS! = the same trick used on the TotalDAC site to make bad measurements look good!
While there doesn't seem to be any need for cheating and make the Tambaqui look good (unlike the TotalDAC),
these other graphs are red indicators preventing me from seeing the site as honest.
2. re. other reviews.
The site has e.g. a test ("banc d'essai") of a TotalDAC set costing about € 20 000 ( !!!!!!), incl. D1 DACs,
here some excerpts from the last page,
"These d1-server + d1 dual or d1-tubes configurations reach a level of high-fidelity, in PCM or DSD, which I have never heard before, in spite of my Lumin and my Ayon S5, and of course of my listening of the gear of various TOTL manufacturers."
("Ces configurations d1-server + d1 dual ou d1-tubes atteignent un niveau de restitution, en PCM et en DSD, que je n'avais jamais entendu auparavant, malgré mon Lumin et mon Ayon S5, et naturellement des écoutes des matériels de divers fabricants HDG. ")
"The Totaldac DACs are at the level of the best on the market, the latter having much higher price tags, yet with a natural presentation which seems to me to have been very rarely (or never?) met so far."
("Les DAC Totaldac sont au niveau des meilleurs du marché, à des prix souvent bien plus élevés, mais avec un naturel qui me semble très rarement (jamais?) atteint.")
I will pass on all the other super-expensive gear they test.
This is already too much than I can take, having becoming allergic to this kind of stuff,
but more than enough for me to know that, while the Tambaqui may not be snake oil,
that audiophile-magazine.com site is unfortunately snake oil for me,
and quite probably part of audio paid-review industry.
So seeing the Tambaqui tested on such a site gives me actually a negative image of this device.
Why don't they send one for testing to ASR?
It has become the biggest in terms of number of devices tested, internet ranking, visitors and of course rigour and honesty,
and the test is free!
All the best for the new year,
Thanks for explaining your position. Let me clarify mine.
I have not a single reason to defend Mola Mola, they are a future competitor of my company. And for personal and professional ethics, I will not publically criticize them either.
What interests me is the technology behind this product. There are not many DACs that use PWM for a simple reason: traditional schemes for PCM to PWM conversion are fundamentally non linear. Bruno P. has found a clever trick to have a linear conversion. I spent a few evenings reproducing the scheme in M code, and it seems to work.
That's my only point. There is a pretty good amount of engineering behind this product, I know it.
For the rest, well, implementation of the idea + marketing stuff + my ethics = no comment.
I whish you a lot of good things for 2020.