mola mola

  1. D

    If the SMPS and amplifiers are so efficient why there are still idling losses?

    I currently have two Trinnov Amplitude8 (8 channel amp) amps that have a linear power supply with <80W idle consumption each. Even so they generate more heat that I like so I'm looking for a "pure" class D /SMPS combo as replacement. To make sure I can't go wrong I was looking at a...
  2. Matias

    Mola Mola Trajectum

    Mola Mola has been using NCore technology in the Kaluga amps for years, specifically a version of the NC1200. Since the Kula all-in-one integrated amp they have developed an update of their class D tech, which now they call Trajectum, and is also used in the standalone stereo power amp called...
  3. honn

    On DACs

    Hi all, So, since an objectively good DAC is transparent and shouldn't add anything to the sound reproduction, among the top 10 DACs (by SINAD) reviewed on ASR, say between the $11,500 Mola Mola Tambaqui, the $750 Topping D90, the $500 Gustard X16, and, just in case, even the only $130 Topping...
  4. Matias

    Mola Mola Tambaqui Measurements

    Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC (€10,000 or $13,400). XLR output level 6.15 Vrms according to the manual. AudioPrecision APx555 measurements courtesy of the Audiophile Magazine review linked below. Full scale 1kHz Full scale 19+20kHz...
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