Pardon my ignorance everyone,
Maybe it has already been answered in the thread, but I would like a straight response just to be sure.
Let's suppose this scenario, If I have 2 dacs with both rca and xlr outputs, but connect only the xlrs to this switcher, then on the output part of the switcher connect the rca to a headphone amplifier that has only rca in, even ignoring the voltage difference in this case, wouldn't that create some kind of short in the dac because somewhere in the chain the two colds/grounds (not use which one would be correct) of the xlr side would be shorted?
Just to add the products as the points of reference
Dacs: smsl su9-n (already owned) + denafrips ares 2 (considering a purchase) - - > xlr cables - - > switcher xlr in - - > switcher rca out - - > rca cables - >rebel amp (considering a purchase)
The point of this would be to avoid having to have a separate rca switcher
The Rebel Amp is a pretty interesting product as it shows that a well measuring amp can still sound warm and lush! No sterile sound here!
From the measurements done by goldensound it should accept up to 11V in input, so I think than we could safely ignore if the dacs would output at around 4v from the xlr
Same goes for a hypothetical opposite situation, dac with only rca out that's connected to an xlr input on an amplifier
Once again pardon my ignorance, I'm not an expert by any means and would love to get an explanation by someone who knows more about this