I don't think this is really very different from, say, Topping's strategy of making DACs with ever better measurements. Their improvements are completely inaudible since their previous products were already perfect. We are entertaining ourselves with sophisticated engineering, the lab measurements that reveal it, and audio gear for its own sake as a hobby. It's fun.
Perhaps Shenzhenaudio set out to engineer the best R2R DAC on the market for people who like that kind of thing. And maybe they are proud at having done a good job. And a review from Amir is pretty good evidence. More sophisticated engineering, lab measurements, and audio gear for its own sake = more Fun.
Shenzhenaudio also distributes Geshelli gear, doesn't it? Same kind of thing, isn't it. Some people want vacuum tubes (valves). Some people want R2R. And others want 30 dB more SNR than they could have heard in an iso booth on a good day when they were young.