Erin's Q3 Meta data in red vs ASR Q350 in green.
View attachment 397020View attachment 397021
Don't see much incentive to upgrade.
The Q3 doesn't have the dip between 3k and 4k, but is worse at 1.5kHz. Both have that mud peak from 100 to 300Hz. Both speakers need EQ to sound really good. Might as well keep the old ones. Or for people considering buying either, get the cheapest ones and put the rest of the money towards EQ.
The Q350 sells for half price in the EU, for which I personally think they are a bargin. The Q Concerto needs to be a lot better to justify $1200 vs just taking the jump to R3 in my opinion.
One way I EQ'ed mine. In my room they play flat down to 35Hz.
View attachment 397022