This is my first post here. Hello everyone!
I need your help. Since I read ASR for some time and value your honest opinions, I believe your advise can help me a lot.
Long story short: I’m going to buy a really good DAC, with high quality, pleasant sound I could live with for years. Is Soekris dac1321 a good choice? Is it (almost?) as good as its bigger brothers? Or should I collect money for something better, i.e. Soekris dac1421 or RME ADI-2 DAC?
I listen to mainly classical music and acoustic jazz. I have nice valve amplifier (PP EL34), 3-way loudspeakers with high quality drivers (SB Acoustics, Satori line), but my CD-player is a weak link in this chain. It is Marantz CD6006 with CS4398 DAC chip – nothing special, really. I don’t have good headphones, listen to music only via loudspeakers, so I don’t need a DAC with head amp. No reason to pay for this if not necessary.
Few weeks ago I was pretty sure RME ADI-2 DAC is best possible choice. It’s expensive, it has head amp I don’t need, but sound is so sweet and functionality so unique it justify everything. The problem is, 990 EUR it’s really a lot of money to me and I don’t have it now. Maybe I would be able to collect such cash and buy this DAC during Black Monday promo or next year - probably risking divorce
- but you never know… Fortunately, few days ago someone recommended me Soekris and I’ve found out many people love these DACs. And dac1321 is quite affordable – costs circa half RME ADI-2 DAC price.
I noticed most people buy more expensive Soekris DACs with head amp, but also with better specs. According to producer, „entry level” dac1321 in not entry level at all when it come to playing music. It has „the same performance and quality”. But I noticed dac1321 THD and jitter levels are higher and according to some guys, more expensive dac1421 and dac1541 sounds better.
My question is: how big is this difference? How important? Does it change sound so much it really matter?
I know this place is numbers oriented and I know measurements tells a lot. A lot, but – this what I know too – not everything. I hope you have some experience with Soekris DACs and I would like to know your opinion.
Now I can buy Soekris DAC 10 proc. cheaper, there is „Spring Sale” just now (untill May 24): 396 EUR (520 euro including tax and shipping – I live in Poland). Still a lot of money, but not so much for a brand new R-2R Soekris DAC.
What do you think? Buy it now or collect money for sth better?
This is my first post here. Hello everyone!
I need your help. Since I read ASR for some time and value your honest opinions, I believe your advise can help me a lot.
Long story short: I’m going to buy a really good DAC, with high quality, pleasant sound I could live with for years. Is Soekris dac1321 a good choice? Is it (almost?) as good as its bigger brothers? Or should I collect money for something better, i.e. Soekris dac1421 or RME ADI-2 DAC?
I listen to mainly classical music and acoustic jazz. I have nice valve amplifier (PP EL34), 3-way loudspeakers with high quality drivers (SB Acoustics, Satori line), but my CD-player is a weak link in this chain. It is Marantz CD6006 with CS4398 DAC chip – nothing special, really. I don’t have good headphones, listen to music only via loudspeakers, so I don’t need a DAC with head amp. No reason to pay for this if not necessary.
Few weeks ago I was pretty sure RME ADI-2 DAC is best possible choice. It’s expensive, it has head amp I don’t need, but sound is so sweet and functionality so unique it justify everything. The problem is, 990 EUR it’s really a lot of money to me and I don’t have it now. Maybe I would be able to collect such cash and buy this DAC during Black Monday promo or next year - probably risking divorce
I noticed most people buy more expensive Soekris DACs with head amp, but also with better specs. According to producer, „entry level” dac1321 in not entry level at all when it come to playing music. It has „the same performance and quality”. But I noticed dac1321 THD and jitter levels are higher and according to some guys, more expensive dac1421 and dac1541 sounds better.
My question is: how big is this difference? How important? Does it change sound so much it really matter?
I know this place is numbers oriented and I know measurements tells a lot. A lot, but – this what I know too – not everything. I hope you have some experience with Soekris DACs and I would like to know your opinion.
Now I can buy Soekris DAC 10 proc. cheaper, there is „Spring Sale” just now (untill May 24): 396 EUR (520 euro including tax and shipping – I live in Poland). Still a lot of money, but not so much for a brand new R-2R Soekris DAC.
What do you think? Buy it now or collect money for sth better?