
  1. N

    4-channel DAC and DSP using Raspberry pi 5, CamillaDSP and Soekris DAM 1021

    Hi audio enthusiasts! I'm embarking on a personal project to build a 4-channel DAC using two Soekris dam 1021 boards. This is more of a personal endeavor to explore DIY audio rather than a quest for superior sound. I'd love some advice and insights from those who have experience with similar...
  2. B

    Massdrop Airist R2R DAC for sale

    I have a Massdrop Airist R2R DAC in perfect working order. It has no known issues and sounds amazing. I am asking $400 with Paypal F&F buyer pays shipping or $450 I pay shipping and Paypal Goods and Services.
  3. M

    Is Soekris dac1321 worth buying?

    Hi, This is my first post here. Hello everyone! :) I need your help. Since I read ASR for some time and value your honest opinions, I believe your advise can help me a lot. Long story short: I’m going to buy a really good DAC, with high quality, pleasant sound I could live with for years. Is...
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